Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

E Exam preparation Table of contents Reading 145 Skimming and scanning 145 Sample reading tasks 145 Four words 145 Matching 146 Multiple choice 147 True/False/First four words 149 Listening 150 Dealing with listening tasks 150 Sample listening tasks 150 Four words 150 Matching 151 Multiple choice 151 Language in use 153 Sample tasks 153 Matching 153 Open gap fill 154 Word formation 154 Editing 155 Multiple choice 156 Writing 157 Grading of written performance 157 Text types 158 Article 158 Essay 159 Formal e-mail/letter 161 E-mail/Letter of application 161 E-mail/Letter of complaint 163 E-mail/Letter to the editor 164 Report 165 Blog 167 Blog comment 167 Blog post 168 Speaking 169 Individual long turn 169 Paired activity 171 Special skills 173 Collecting and structuring ideas 173 Brainstorming 173 Mindmapping 173 Working on a text 174 Beginning and ending 174 Summarising 174 Revising and proofreading 175 Improving your style 175 Connecting ideas 175 Avoiding repetition 176 Paraphrasing 176 Using rhetorical devices 176 Working with visuals 177 Statistics and diagrams 177 Pictures 178 General exam tips • • The most important thing is to keep calm. If you feel you are getting stressed take a deep breath. • • Read the questions carefully. • • If there is a word you do not know, look at the context to find the meaning. • • You will often find instructions about how to answer the questions. • • As you read the questions, write down words or phrases that come to your mind next to them. These may help you organise your answer. • • If there are options, read each one carefully. • • Manage your time: Work out how much time you can spend on each question to complete the exam. • • Don’t spend too much time on questions you cannot answer. Do another task and return to this step later. • • Likewise, don’t spend all your time on questions you can answer. You have to answer all the questions. • • Check your texts. Always plan some time to go through your answers again, checking not only for content but also for spelling, grammatical errors and awkward style. 144 Exam preparation Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv