Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

1 Irish films: Once Once Before reading the publicity material in the box below, look at the poster and say what you expect of the film. The script a) The text below is an extract from the shooting script of Once . In this part of the film, the young Czech (girl) is trying to help the busker (guy) to get a loan. Read it silently and underline humorous parts. b) Get into groups of four (girl, manager, guy, stage directions) and prepare a scenic reading. Scene 44. Interior: Bank, small office, day The girl is sitting next to the guy. She has put her hair up. Across the desk is the small loans manager, a man in his early thirties, a little overweight, with a goatee beard, suit and tie. He looks at this pair, bemused. Girl: This is a friend of mine. He is song writer. He is very good. We are recording a demonstration tape for record companies who wish to hear him. Manager: Right. And which companies are they? Girl: (avoiding this question) Yes. We pay back when he acquire the deal. With interest. I would say within the year. Manager: And you’re, what, his manager? Girl: No. I am friend. He is very good. Manager: I’m sure he is. They all sit there in silence. The manager looks at them. They look quite ridiculous. Manager: Do you have any collateral? Girl: Good question. Do you have plug socket? She takes out a small tape recorder from her bag and plugs it in. The manager smiles, checking his watch. Manager: Em, would you have anyone to go guarantor, sir? Guy: Guarantor? Em, no? The girl struggles under the desk with the plug, knocking into his legs. Manager: Look, guys. […] I’d need some real assurance of recuperation if I was to even ask my boss to approve a loan like this. I mean, there are countless bands and singers out there – I’m sure you’re very talented and everything, it’s not about that, it’s … The girl interrupts him by pressing play on the machine. They listen to the opening bar or two of a very catchy song. The manager is obviously a nice guy, and very patient. They listen for a minute. It is obviously very good. Girl: Good, eh? But the quality is poor. If we can get a professional tape, I am very satisfied he will secure a lucrative deal. 1 Director: John Carney. Starring: Glen Hansard, Markéta Irglová, Hugh Walsh, Gerard Hendrick. Ireland 2006. 87 mins. Rated 15. A low-budget Irish charmer that stole away the Audience Award at Sundance 2007, Once is an exceptionally affecting and enjoyable picture. On Grafton Street in Dublin, a careworn busker (Hansard) strikes up a friendship with a sparky young Czech immigrant (Irglová). He is nursing a broken heart and stalled ambitions; she is getting by on cleaning jobs and chutzpah. As their relationship evolves, Hansard’s gorgeous self-penned songs weave themselves into the narrative, where they fit so naturally that you hardly notice you are watching a musical. Anchored by marvellous performances from musician Hansard (last seen onscreen in The Commitments , to which this could be an unofficial follow-up) and gifted pianist Irglová, this has a gutsy grace that is all its own. 2 14 Ireland Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv