Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

b) Rephrase the following words and phrases taken from the article in your own words. c) Compile a list of arguments for and against the Home Office initiative. Use ideas from the article and complete them with your own ideas. Concentrate on the following aspects: the audience the campaign is targeted at the authenticity of the interviews the interests of people/groups of people involved d) Present your arguments to the class. Discuss which arguments are most convincing. Give each other feedback on your statements. Reading–speaking: UK plans video campaign to deter African migrants (B2) Prepare a statement on challenges migration brings about. Describe a situation which is brought about by immigration that you witnessed yourself. Comment on possible reasons why people might feel uneasy about immigrants. Discuss how the relationship between immigrants and the population of a country could be improved. Self-assessment Tick the appropriate boxes. Listening Can understand recordings in standard dialect likely to be encountered in social, professional or academic life and identify speaker viewpoints and attitudes as well as the information content. I could understand everything. Sometimes I had to guess the meaning. I could only under­ stand parts. I could hardly under­ stand anything. Writing Can write straightforward connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. I could write the text without help. I reused phrases from the text. I had to look up words/phrases. I could not express my ideas as wanted. Reading Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints. I understood the text without help. I had to guess the meaning. I had to use a dictionary. I did not understand the text. Speaking Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view and giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. I could express my opinion without help. I was sometimes lost for words. I had to make notes before I started. I could not express my ideas clearly. Find suggestions to help you on the CD-ROM in this book. viral video campaign testimonies of migrants vox pop interviews to distribute sth. online to deter potential migrants to have little or no impact on sth. 3 50 Home Office research suggests that migrants are not prepared for the risks they will face on the journey from their country of origin and that highlighting the reality could encourage many potential migrants to reconsider their decision. (Ben Quinn, The Guardian , 10 February 2018) 133 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv