Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

S Unit 5: One world Listening–writing: 60 years of the peace sign (B2) a) Listen to part of a radio show on the birthday of the peace sign. b) Listen to the feature again and match the sentence halves below. 1. The famous peace sign was created A used the sign to show their opposition to the Vietnam War. 2. The sign was originally used B by British graphic artist Gerald Holtom. 3. The peace sign consists of C military sign language. 4. The sign contains two elements of D in the context of the nuclear disarmament movement in the UK. 5. In the days of Martin Luther King E the sign was presumably brought to the US. 6. The antiwar movement and the hippie generation F a circle with a straight line down the middle and two lines running diagonally. c) You have heard the feature on the peace sign and have been so impressed with it that you decide to write to the radio station to comment on it. In your e-mail you should: describe why the peace sign is (not) important for your daily life comment on the use of the sign as a universal symbol of peace discuss the importance of peace in general Write around 250 words . Reading–speaking: UK plans video campaign to deter African migrants (B2) a) Read the following article from a newspaper that deals with one particular aspect of migration. 1 11 2 A viral video campaign using the testimonies of migrants in Libya to discourage others from making the dangerous journey to the north African country – and then on to Europe – is to be launched by the Home Office as part of official attempts to tackle migration from “source” countries. Vox pop interviews with migrants from countries including Eritrea, Nigeria and Sudan will be filmed in Libya before the material is used at events in east and west Africa and distributed online. Using this tactic the UK follows the example of Denmark, which placed advertisements in Lebanese newspapers aimed at deterring potential migrants, and Germany, which paid for billboards in Afghanistan with a similar message. However, an expert on migration at the UK’s leading development thinktank said evidence suggests that “awareness campaigns” have little or no impact on the decision-making of would-be migrants and are more about being able to tell voters at home: “We are doing something.” “The information just does not filter through because people decide on the basis of what they hear from family and friends – people they trust – rather than foreign governments,” said Jessica Hagen-​ Zanker, research fellow for migration at the Overseas Development Institute. “Information about the journey is so irrelevant and the risks seem so small compared to their daily struggles.” She said that a better approach would be to make the journeys safer and open up paths for legal migration. Her concerns were echoed by Benjamin Ward of the Europe and Central Asia division at Human Rights Watch, who said, “The question of why people migrate and what might make a difference to their decision is very complicated. It’s not clear that better information about the perils of the journey is going to have much of an impact.” A spokesperson for the Home Office said the project was one of the ways in which it was seeking to raise awareness of the dangers of illegal migration, helping to protect people and reduce the numbers making an often deadly journey. Planning documents for the campaign state: “Currently, there is a lack of footage showing the realities of the journey to Libya and the hardships in detention centres and militia-run camps.” 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 132 Semester self-checks Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv