Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Listening–speaking: A day without immigrants (B2) a) Listen to a speech about migration to and from the US in the last few years and take notes. b) Make a poster and present it to your classmates. Your poster should contain information on: facts and figures with respect to migration to and from the US successful migrants and their impact on the US economy possible consequences if immigration policies were changed Listening–speaking: A day without immigrants (B2) Prepare a speech on the issue of migration and include the following points: summarise the main aspects of task 2 discuss which trends can be observed present your personal view of the situation Self-assessment Tick the appropriate boxes. Reading Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired information and gather information from different parts of a text, or from different texts in order to fulfil a specific task. I understood the text without help. I had to guess the meaning. I had to use a dictionary. I did not understand the text. Writing Can summarise, report and give his/her opinion about accumulated factual information on familiar routine and nonroutine matters within his/her field with some confidence. I could write the text without help. I reused phrases from the text. I had to look up words/phrases. I could not express my ideas as wanted. Listening Can understand the main points of many radio programmes on current affairs when the delivery is relatively slow and clear. I could understand everything. Sometimes I had to guess the meaning. I could only under­ stand parts. I could hardly under­ stand anything. Speaking Can give a prepared straightforward presentation on a familiar topic within his/her field which is clear enough to be followed without difficulty most of the time, and in which the main points are explained with reasonable precision. I could express my opinion without help. I was sometimes lost for words. I had to make notes before I started. I could not express my ideas clearly. Find suggestions to help you on the CD-ROM in this book. 2 10 3 131 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv