Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Listening–speaking: Transgender in Thailand (B2) Listen to a radio interview about Thailand’s third gender, the kathoeys, and complete the sentences in your own words. 1. Kathoeys are . 2. Kathoeys mostly work in . 3. Thai society . 4. In 2004, the Chiang Mai Technology School . Listening–speaking: Transgender in Thailand (B2) Phone the radio station and comment on the programme you have just listened to. Explain why you liked/did not like the programme. Comment on the discrimination parts of society in your country have to face. Discuss what people not personally affected by discrimination could do to help the victims. Self-assessment Tick the appropriate boxes. Reading Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems. I understood the text without help. I had to guess the meaning. I had to use a dictionary. I did not understand the text. Writing Can write personal emails describing experiences, feelings and events in some detail. I could write the text without help. I reused phrases from the text. I had to look up words/phrases. I could not express my ideas as wanted. Listening Can understand most radio documentaries and most other recorded or broadcast audio material delivered in standard dialect. I could understand everything. Sometimes I had to guess the meaning. I could only under­ stand parts. I could hardly under­ stand anything. Speaking Can communicate with some confidence on familiar routine and nonroutine matters related to his/her interests and professional field. I could express my opinion without help. I was sometimes lost for words. I had to make notes before I started. I could not express my ideas clearly. Find suggestions to help you on the CD-ROM in this book. 2 9 3 Useful phrases Summing up What I’m saying is, we should have … . • In short … . • In brief … . • In other words … . • Let me put it this way … . • To sum up … . • I think that just about sums it up. P 129 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv