Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

0 As tuition fees are rising, many students are unable to … . pay their loans back ✔ 1 Kevin Carey thinks the government should … for students to take out student loans. 2 In loan schemes students take out loans to pay for tuition fees and living costs and pay them back … . 3 Excluding students and laidoff workers from loan schemes would … their economic prospects. 4 The student loan scheme is … because the state can borrow cheap money to lend it to the students at a higher interest rate. 5 There are some colleges which act … . 6 Colleges which want to profit from student loan schemes should be … of the market. Can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialised sources within his/her field. (B2) Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his/her field of interest, […]. (B2) Writing: An e-mail of application You have read an advert for an internship at a big pharmaceutical company in the US. As a student of pharmacology you have decided to apply. In your e-mail of application you should: • describe yourself • give reasons why you would like to work as an intern • explain what the benefits for the company would be Write around 250 words . 3 Language in use: Brightworks Read the text about a special school in San Francisco. In most lines (1–9) there is a word that should not be there. Write these words in the spaces provided. 2–4 lines are correct. Make a ✔ in the space if the line is correct. There are two examples (0, 00) at the beginning. Brightworks is a school that reimagines the one idea of school. one 0 Students explore an idea from multiple perspectives with the ✔ 00 help of real-world only experts, tools and experiences, collaborate 1 on projects driven by their curiosity and don’t share their findings 2 with the world. Brightworks does away with tests, grades and 3 homework, instead hardly supporting each student as they create 4 a rich home and detailed portfolio of their work. 5 Brightworks offers a sliding-scale tuition option to all applicants. 6 At the Brightworks, we believe that a school should serve as a 7 learning commons and a community workshop, an own intellectual 8 and creative heart of the neighbourhood it resides in. 9 4 123 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum es Verlags öbv