Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Spot on language Expressing an opinion a) Read the text and underline all the words and phrases which show that an opinion is being expressed. To my mind, manual jobs are extremely important, and it seems to me that generally speaking, manual workers are not rewarded sufficiently. Whereas many people maintain that academic qualifications should be the main aim of education, my view is that practical skills are equally useful to society. Indeed, in my opinion, they are often of greater value. In our daily lives, I do not think the majority of us would feel the lack of a university professor as much as the lack of a plumber we could call on in an emergency. Personally, I believe there is too much intellectual snobbery. Academics make a valuable contribution in their own field, I am sure, but that does not prevent me from holding the view that the relative social and financial status of different occupations needs to be adjusted. b) Depending on your feelings and also on the context, you might want to express a personal opinion either quite strongly or rather carefully . Make a table and sort the phrases on the right under the appropriate heading. Referring to the future a) Your friend Mark has decided to go on a gap year. Just before his plane leaves he sends you a short message to say good-bye. While reading, pick out all the verb forms that refer to the future. b) Choose three different constructions and explain what tense is being used and why. c) Imagine you are about to leave for a gap year/an extended holiday/an exchange programme yourself and write a similar message to a friend in which you: • give information about your trip, your destination, the weather, etc. • speculate about how you will like the destination • think about which decisions you will have to take 1 Useful phrases Expressing an opinion I rather suspect … . • I am convinced … . • There is no doubt in my mind … . • Possibly … . • From my own perspective … . • It is quite clear to me … . • I tend to think … . • On balance I would say … . • I firmly believe … . • Quite obviously … . P 2 Re.: Off to Paris :-)! Reply Reply to All Forward Hi Ron, My plane to Paris leaves in an hour, so I’ve just got time to drop you a quick line. I can’t believe that I’m leaving for a year. Until now I’d thought it was a brilliant idea to take a break in Paris, but now I’m no longer so sure. Really, I’m not entirely sure what to expect of the city. There will inevitably be the hustle and bustle of the big tourist attractions, but I also hope to catch a glimpse of real Parisian life. I’m staying at a friend’s for the first two nights, and she has promised to show me her quartier. There are a couple of things I want to see for sure, for example the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe and the Centre Pompidou … I’ve checked the forecast for the upcoming week and it says the weather is going to be rather cold with odd showers here and there. But that’s not going to stop me! I just hope there won’t be too many tourists at this time of the year, though. I don’t want to waste 1 ½ hours queuing up in front of the Louvre (apparently that’s how long it takes nowadays!). The problem that really concerns me at the moment is where to find a cheap flat after the first two nights at my friend’s. Paris isn’t really a cheap place you know. Either way, I must dash – we board in five minutes! And to think that this time tomorrow I’ll be walking down the Champs Élysées. I’ll keep you posted – promise! Take it easy, Mark 121 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv