Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

10 Adult education Speaking: The Open University a) The Open University is a British institution focusing on adult and distance education. Research their activities on the internet and make notes for a presentation. b) At your local community centre where you do occasional voluntary work you have been asked to give a presentation about The Open University for senior citizens. In your presentation, you should: • present the activities of The Open University • discuss the aims and objectives of this institution • explain admissions and funding Writing: Distance Learning College (DLC) As a student representative at DLC you have read the two statements below on the website of an independent review forum on the internet. Since it is your responsibilty to respond to such messages you answer carino_23. In your formal e-mail you should: • apologise for the things that happened to the student • explain what the problems might have been • offer help to sort out the problems Write around 250 words . Discussion: Distance learning – a solution for everyone everywhere? Discuss the following aspects: • What are the organisational requirements for distance learning? • Who can benefit from such institutions? • What are the problems involved? • Is it a solution for everyone? 1 2 carino_23 , 25 May 11:27 When I started my distancelearning course at DLC (Distance Learning College) I was convinced that this was going to be the place for me. I had decided to transfer because I was extremely unhappy at my previous university – the cost of travel, accommodation and fees and all that had proved to be just too much for me. However, when I ran into serious personal problems a few months later, nobody seemed to bother. I got the feeling that my tutor didn’t really care – there was hardly any support and little communication. Overall disappointing. smartilla , 26 May 10:09 Oh it’s a pity you feel like that. I finished my DLC degree last spring and I have always found them very accommodating when things were difficult at home. Maybe be there was some misunderstanding of the pastoral care by teachers at distance learning institutions on your part or maybe you were just unlucky with one tutor. However, if you have any serious problems at home it would be difficult to study anywhere. But for me the DLC would always be a good option well worth considering – and much cheaper too! Reply Reply 3 120 Lifelong learning Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv