Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

10 School alternatives Reading: First “free schools” to open Read the following newspaper article and highlight all the expressions that have something to do with school and education. The following text describes the introduction of a new type of school – state-funded free schools, set up by teachers, charities, education experts and parents. 1 Twenty-four “free schools” are to open in the new school year, the government has announced. The schools – state-funded and set up by teachers, charities, education experts and parents – are spread throughout the country but mainly concentrated in deprived areas with poor records of academic achievement. They have the same legal status as academies and do not have to follow the national curriculum, giving them more freedom than local authority schools. The Department for Education has confirmed that funding for all 24 schools has been signed and agreed. Under the government’s plans, the schools will also be able to prioritise the most disadvantaged children in their school admissions arrangements. The education secretary Michael Gove said, “The most important thing for any parent is to be able to send their child to a good local school, with high standards and strong discipline. “That is why we are opening free schools across the country. I am delighted to announce that the first 24 will open this year. “Too many children are being failed by fundamental flaws in our education system. The weakest schools are concentrated in our poorest towns and cities, and we are dropping down the international education league tables. “In spite of years of investment, the situation is worsening. Children from disadvantaged homes are still falling behind. A change of approach is vital. “By freeing up teachers and trusting local communities to decide what is best, our reforms will help to raise standards for children in all schools.” The 24 schools will open at different times during September – 17 are primary schools, five secondary and two are all-age schools. They will open between 10 to 15 months after submitting their initial plans to the Department for Education. In the first application window, 323 groups applied to open free schools. When selling the idea, the government referred to the similar American charter schools, saying that in New York they closed the gap separating inner-city students from those in the wealthiest suburbs by 86% in maths and 66% in English. ( The Guardian ) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Definitions a) Look at the definitions below, then copy expressions with the same meaning from the text above. 1. an organisation that provides help for those in need, often funded by donations 2. rundown parts of a city where disadvantaged people live 2 114 Lifelong learning Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv