Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Goals • Study the concept of lifelong learning. • Research ways to prolong and to promote learning. • Analyse and compare various views on gap years. • Prepare for the university application procedure. Collaborative text production a) Look at the pictures again and write at least one sentence per picture. b) Take at least three pictures and write a paragraph about them. Make sure that the three pictures illustrate what the text is about. c) Get together with a partner and try to link the two texts you have written. d) Write an introduction and an ending to your text. 2 Word bank afterschool clubs • boarding school • classroom lecture • detention • exam • faculty • faculty member • free period • grammar school • hall • head teacher • headmaster • high school • instructions • junior school • modern school • period • principal • private school • public school • vocational training • school doctor/nurse • school education • schoolmate • school paper • school rules • school system • school uniform • semester • staff room • student • term • timetable W Objectives of lifelong learning The two objectives of equal importance for lifelong learning are the promotion of active citizenship and the promotion of vocational skills in order to adapt to the demands of the new knowledgebased society and to allow full participation in social and economic life. Lifelong learning is designed to provide the people of Europe with the essential tools they require for selfdevelopment and in order to play an active part in modern society, including the skills needed in the field of new technologies. (From: 113 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Ve lags öbv