Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Learning – a life long a) With a partner, discuss the pictures and the text on these two pages and consider the following aspects: • Which of these pictures show that learning is a lifelong activity? • What are the people doing in the pictures you have chosen? • Can you imagine yourself in such a situation? • Why should people engage in lifelong learning? b) Report on your partner’s views in class. 1 Word bank achievement • degree • grade • mark • ninthgraders • school leaver • school report • straight A student • to attend school • to break rules • to disturb a lesson • to fail • to get suspended • to graduate • to pass an exam • to receive a mark • to sit an exam • to skip lessons • to work for an exam • to write an exam W 112 Unit Internet resources vi522q Lifelong learning 10 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv