Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

3 What does John expect concerning the reaction of the consumers on the events? a) the swapping of brands due to companies’ negative images b) no change in the customers’ behaviour c) customers’ demand to pay less for their favourite products d) a positive boost of companies’ images in the eyes of customers 4 What do companies sometimes have to do according to John? a) regard business as more important than human lives b) pay a lot of money for damaging human lives c) take harmful medicine off the market d) set a price even if customers can’t afford it 5 How does John see the role of the Government? a) They restrict the freedom of commerce. b) They enable companies to make as much money as possible. c) They are not interested in interfering with commerce. d) Their major goal is to eliminate competition. b) Listen to the audio once again. After listening, you should: • summarise the reasons for John’s participation at the meeting • explain the fears of the other members of US Alliance • describe how John views the role of governments in the world of free enterprise c) Is this imaginative future world a utopia or a dystopia for you? Explain. The social ecological model The social ecological model shows that a person’s relationships and environment have a strong influence on their individual behaviour: an individual’s choices and behaviours are often the result of what they see, hear and experience in the world. a) In your own words, describe the relation- ships presented in the diagram on the right. b) Find examples where the model is appli­ cable to your own life and experiences. c) Explain how this model does or doesn’t visualise the situation presented in the novel Jennifer Government . If necessary, make changes to the model. Writing: An essay You have come across a call for essays in a magazine you subscribe to. The first prize of the competition is a free yearly subscription. The essay should deal with the need for rules and regulations in society and the question whether a world without rules would be in chaos. In your essay you should: • describe how our society is governed by rules and regulations • explain why society needs/doesn’t need them • argue why you agree/don’t agree with the statement that a world without rules would be in chaos Give your essay a title . Write around 400 words . 3.4 4 Public polic Communit (cultural values, norms) Schools (environment, ethos) Interpersonal (social network) Individual (knowledge, attitude, skills) 5 107 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv