Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

when I walk away from the studio feeling like a fake, like a “plastic Paki”. Yes, I can use this term and you Statements T F First four words 0 Anvar Khan thinks our origin is a coincidence. ✘ When your nationality is 1 She has mixed feelings about her job situation. 2 Anvar Khan doesn’t like being treated differently from her Caucasian colleagues. 3 Many people with a foreign background work in the British press. 4 In her experience, Caucasian journalists have no intention to write openly about ethnic topics. 5 Some newspapers are too scared to upset minorities that they choose not to publish anything on immigration at all. 6 She thinks most of her colleagues are afraid of ruining their reputation. b) Read through the article again and comment on the following aspects: • Anvar Khan’s statement that her race has “a currency and a value” • the way she sees herself and her Caucasian colleagues • her feeling of being used as a “plastic Paki”, i.e. a puppet on a string • her use of derogatory expressions • the tone of the article and its effect on the reader c) Imagine a Caucasian journalist being accused of racism. • How would the media and viewers react? • Would politicians or sponsors intervene? Tokenism rising a) Look at the fact file on the right and at the two quotes below. b) Point out similarities and differences to the text by Anvar Khan you have just read. c) Do you regard Adrienne Rich’s and Marge Piercy’s comments as justified? Why or why not? d) Find more examples for tokenism in our society. “To become a token woman – whether you win the Nobel Prize or merely get tenure at the cost of denying your sisters – is to become something less than a man … since men are loyal at least to their own worldview, their laws of brotherhood and selfinterest.” Adrienne Rich (1929–2012, US poet, essayist and feminist) “The token woman carries a bouquet of hothouse celery and a stenographer’s pad; she will take the minutes, perk the coffee, smile like a plastic daisy and put out the black cat of her sensu­ ous anger to howl on the fence all night.” Marge Piercy (*1936, US poet, novelist and social activist) Word bank Talking about tone formal  informal • biased/ critical  objective • emotional/ passionate  indifferent • matter-of-fact/sincere  ironic/ sarcastic • exaggerated • humorous • aggressive/angry  defensive W Fact file tokenism, n . the practice of making only a symbolic effort, e.g. by recruiting a small number of people from underrepresented groups in order to give the appearance of sexual or racial equality within a workforce F 2 cannot, because if you did the CRE [Commission for Racial Equality] would be paying you a call. (Anvar Khan, The Guardian ) 103 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv