Lasso Englisch 4. Sommertraining, Arbeitsheft

Lösungen zu Seite 12–20 Clothesandbody Find10morewords. 1 thirteen 13 Lookand read.Then circleYesorNo. 2 Nelly swingsher arms. Yes No Nelly stretches herbody. Yes No Nelly standson her right foot. Yes No Nelly turns around. Yes No Nellywritesa book. Yes No Nelly takes photos. Yes No Nelly ridesa horse. Yes No Nellyplays the piano. Yes No s w e a h m e i s h o e s p d r e a i a p n o w t h t r a i n e r s l e m r o r e w s d h i r e s o o u e s a h p r o u g e u m l i s w e a t s h i r t o d t r i a n s s w h a h n e o s h d t r o u s e r s r s h o e s t r a i n e r s t r o u s e r s s w e a t s h i r t d r e s s s h o u l d e r m o u t h e a r l e g h e a d h a n d Clothesandbody Writedown the correctwords. (Lookatpage10.) 1 twelve 12 Find theoddoneout. 2 skirt trousers book blouse socks shoes teacher classroom picture chair table blue jacket picture shoes shirt pullover skirt red green blue brown chair yellow board teacher blue blouse book black shirt blouse pullover skirt socks shoes blazer (jacket) trousers shoes 14 fourteen Writedown the seasons. 1 Fill in themissingwords. 2 Seasonsandmonth Mybirthday is in . Christmas is in . Easter is in . Halloween is in . The summerholidaysare in . spring summer autumn winter retniw gnirps remmus nmutua winter spring autumn summer winter spring summer autumn 15 Months fifteen Writedown themonth. 1 Readand tick the symbols showingwhat theweatherwillbe like. Weather forecast forSaturday16th January In themorning it’s very icy, thereareonly7degreesbelow zero. At first itwill snow,but in theafternoon itwillbe sunnyand thewindwillblow. The temperaturewillgetup to1degreebelow zero. In theevening itwillbe stormy. 2 −1° +1° May October December July August April February November January September March June May December October July August February April November January March September June 17 H J E G G M E B A V M I L K M R M H S H E L T E K C H E E S E A B U T T E R A D seventeen Fill in the crossword. 2 Circleandwritedown7wordsabout foodanddrink. 1 My favourite fruit is . Foodanddrink ham,bread, egg,milk, cheese, butter, tea b g s t r a w b e r r y n a p a l a p p l e o r a n g e e u a m s m o n 20 twenty What’s in thepicture?Tickand colour in. 1 apples chocolate book table wardrobe shelf bed pullover picture plums sofa socks strawberries shoes ice cream skateboard lamp teacher Colour in. 2 Foodanddrink 19 nineteen Write. 1 Match. Fill in thenumbers. 2 Ice cream strawberry chocolate vanilla banana ... 1.Goodafternoon. That’s twopounds twenty,please. 2.Whatwouldyou like? 1 Hello. 3.Howmuch is it? Yes, I’d likeone kiloofplums,please. 4.Anythingelse? I’d likeone kiloofapples,please. 5.Howmuch is italtogether? It’sonepound,please. Hello, can I you? I’d likea ice cream,please. Thankyou. Howmuch is it? Thankyou.Bye-bye. It’s£ . Hereyouare. Hereyouare. Foodanddrink help 5 4 2 3 18 eighteen Draw lines. 1 Yes, I likeapplesand strawberries. No, Idon’t likeapples, but I like chocolate. Yes, I likeapples andplums. Fill in themissingwords. 2 The are£4. The are£2. The are£1. The are£3. The ice cream is£ . The sweetsare£ . The chocolate is£ . Doyou likeapples? Foodanddrink Howmuch is it? plums bananas apples strawberries 2 1 3 16 sixteen What is it?Tick. 1 What is it?Draw lines. 2 bread cheese water ham egg cheese butter bread milk tea egg tea butter ham water milk spaghettiwith tomato sauce water fishand chips salad chicken orange juice lemonade tomato soup Foodanddrink Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv