Lasso Englisch 4, Begleitband für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

9 Lernspiele Guessing game First the children make different coloured hats out of paper. They simply cut a circle and cut this circle to the middle. Then they glue the two cut edges together to get a simple round Chi- nese hat. Now the teacher puts a coloured hat on a child from behind, so that he/she cannot see its col- our. The teacher then asks the child. L: What colour is your hat? Please ask the class. S1: Tony, is my hat green? S2: No, it isn’t. L: Ask somebody else. He asks another classmate until he gets the answer: Yes, it is! S1: Jill, is my hat red? … Instead of hats the game can be played with stickers (or cards). Then a child’s neighbour sticks a sticker onto the child’s forehead. The child must not see what’s on the sticker and asks the class: Am I a horse (banana, toy car …)? – No, you aren’t. – Yes, you are. KIM game or what is missing? L: Watch what I’m doing. I’m laying all these cards (things) out here. OK. One child goes outside briefly (or the children close their eyes briefly). One card is taken away. The child is called back and has to answer the question: What’s missing? L: Liza, would you leave the room, please? Let’s take away one of the cards and call her in again. (Close your eyes for one moment, please.) – Liza, come in again. (Open your eyes again.) Look at the cards. What’s missing? Look, look. Look and see. L: Look, look. Look and see. Point at something yellow (your folders, a teddy bear …) when I count to three. – One, two, three! – Very good. No, I’m sorry. This isn’t something yellow (a teddy bear …). Moving around L: Let’s make two circles this time. Stand face to face and make a circle, please. – Yes, that’s right. There’s an inner circle (zeigt) and an outer circle. – Now I’ll play some music. You go round and round as long as the music plays. (stoppt Musik) Pupils from the inner circle: Ask your class- mate from the outer circle: “What’s your name?” (How old are you? / What’s your favourite col- our? (animal/toy/food …) Pupils from the outer circle answer, please. – Well done children. Let’s have another go. (Musik wieder spielen, dann stoppen) – Now pupils from the outer circle ask your partners from the inner circle “What’s your name …?” Simon says L: In this game Simon (Nelly) tells you what to do. But you must only do what Simon says, if he first says “Simon says”. Otherwise it’s wrong and you’re out. Let’s have a try: Simon says: Touch your shoes. Simon says: Clap your hands. Simon says: Touch your arms. Turn around. Tim you’ve turned around. You are out. Spin the bottle L: Let’s play ‘Spin the bottle’. You ask a question first like ‘How old are you?’ Then you spin the bottle. The bottle soon comes to a halt and points at someone. He or she has to answer the ques- tion and say “I’m nine years old”. Then he or she can ask the next question and spin the bottle. Let’s have a try. I’ll start. “What do you like for breakfast?”… Word game with a ball L: Children, let’s play a game. I’m going to roll this ball to one of you and say a word. The child with the ball then has to say a word that is from the same group as my word. Example: I say teddy bear. You know that’s a toy. So you have to name another toy. Then you can name some- thing completely different. L: Teddy bear. S1: Computer game, red. S2: Green, doll. S3: Ball, two. S4: Nine, head. S5: Finger, father. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv