Lasso Englisch 4, Begleitband für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

52 Dann dreht S die Flasche und stellt die nächste Frage. Spiel zur Wortschatzfestigung Obstsorten: I go to the market … In Gruppenarbeit (Gruppenstärke mindestens vier) werden die Obstsorten mit der Struktur I go to the market and buy … gefestigt. S wiederholen die vorgenannte Obstsorte und ergänzen jeweils um eine weitere. Die Anzahl der aufzu- zählenden Obstsorten kann ggf. begrenzt werden. L: Let’s work in groups now. I’ll start. Here’s my basket. I want to go to the market and buy fruit. I go to the market and buy apples. Now it’s your turn. Say I go to the market and buy apples and … S: I go to the market and buy apples and bananas. … Einführung: Shopping at the market Mit der Panoramaseite wird das Thema Shopping at the market eingeführt. S sehen sich zuerst die Seiten 30 und 31 an und beantworten die ersten beiden Fragen. L: Open your books at page 30/31 please. Look at all the fresh fruit at the market. What fruits can you see? What vegetables can you see? Hörtext: Shopping at the market (CD 1/Track 32) Mittels des Hörtextes werden die Redewendungen für shopping eingeführt und der Wortschatz zu fruit wiederholt. L: Look at Ben. Isn’t he holding a list? Let’s listen to the text. Shopping at the market Speaker: The children take the shopping list for fruit and go to the market. They get on bus number 48 from their house to Market Square. Then they go into the Market Hall. Ben: Look, there’s the fruit. Let’s go there first. Lady: Good afternoon children. Can I help you? Lily: Good afternoon. We’d like to buy fruit for a fruit salad. Lady: I see. Look we’ve got fresh apples, bananas and lots of other fruit. What would you like? Ben: Where is my list? Oh, here it is. We need three apples, three bananas and three oranges. Lily: Have you got kiwis? Lady: Of course. Look here. They come from Italy and taste delicious. Lily: Yes, we’d like two kiwis. Nelly: Look, they’ve got strawberries. Lady: Yes, they taste delicious, too. Try one. Ben: Yes, they taste delicious. How much are they? Lady: Three pound sixty pence a kilo. Lily: OK, we’d like half a kilo of strawberries, please. Lady: Here you are. Is that all? Lily: Ben, what about plums? Look they are next to the strawberries. Ben: Plums are not on our list. Can we pay, please? Lady: Let’s see. Half a kilo of strawberries, two kiwis, three oranges, three bananas and three apples. That makes four pounds and twenty pence altogether. Ben: Here you are. Lady: Thank you. Goodbye. Have a nice day. L stellt einige Fragen nach dem ersten Anhören. S können alles aufzählen, was sie gehört haben. Mögliche Fragen: What are the children buying at the market? Shopping at the market Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv