Lasso Englisch 3, Begleitband für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

8 Lernspiele LERNSPIELE UND IHRE SPRACHLICHE GESTALTUNG Ball game The pupils sit in a circle. L: I like red. And you? (throws a ball to a pupil) S1: I like black. And you? (throws the ball to another pupil) … Can be done with other statements, e. g. what one likes to eat, hobbies, etc. Chain game, hang- ing clothes on the line, or snowball L: Children, I’m giving you a bingo sheet. There are nine (sixteen) empty squares on them, three across and three down. Do you see the squares? Please draw an animal (toy, food, number …) in each square. (Please colour each square in a different colour. / Please stick a picture (word) on each square.) Now the teacher calls out one word. The children make a cross in the square of that colour. The first child that has three crosses in a row (up or across or diagonal) wins. L: I’ll call out things and you check, if this thing is on your bingo sheet. If you’ve got it, you cross it out. Those of you with three crosses in a row (up or across or diagonal) first win. Bodyguard, the princess and her toy Half the chairs are put together in a circle. Then the class is divided into two groups. One group sits on the chairs (the princesses), the other group stands behind them (the body- guards). Each princess has a different thing/picture in her hand or on her lap. The body- guards put their hands behind their backs. One bodyguard, Kathy, has not got a princess on the chair in front of her. She has to try and get one. She says: “ I’d like a (doll) for Christmas”. Tim is the princess who has the (doll). He runs to Kathy, if he isn’t stopped by Jane, his bodyguard. L: Let’s make two groups. One group makes a circle out of chairs. You take the flashcards and hold them in your hands. Sit down on your chairs. You’re all princesses now. Pupils from the other group stand behind the chairs. Put your hands behind your backs. You’re the bodyguards. Kathy, you’re a bodyguard, but you haven’t got a princess. Try to get one. If you say “I’d like (a doll for Christmas)” Tim, who’s got the flashcards with the doll on it will come and sit in front of you, if his bodyguard doesn’t stop him. Buzz game L: Let’s count: One, two, buzz, four, five, buzz, seven, eight, buzz … – Do you understand? – Then let’s start again, one, two, buzz … Teacher and class count aloud together. Every third (second, fourth, fifth) number is replaced by “Buzz”. Catch the thief The children sit in a circle with a thing/picture in their hands. One child is in the middle (the policeman with a rolled up newspaper in his hand as a truncheon). To start the game, the teacher or a pupil shouts: Somebody has taken my (doll) . The policeman in the middle has to look for the child with the doll and touch him (her) with the newspaper. Now this child has to go into the middle and chase the robbers. However, if, before the policeman can touch him, he shouts: And somebody has taken my (teddy bear) . The policeman must immediately look for the child with the (teddy). Etc. L: Children, let’s play a new game. It’s called “Catch the thief ”. Sit in a circle, please and listen. – Bob, you start. You’re the policeman. – All right. When I say “toy car” (red/duck/egg …) – (zu Bob) you have to try and touch the child (demonstriert mit aufgerollter Zeitung) who’s holding the flashcard for it. – (blickt sich um) Here she (he) is. It’s Fiona. – (zu Fiona) Fiona, you quick- ly name another toy. – Good. Now Bob has to look for the child holding the … (von F. genann- ten Gegenstand). Here you are. (gibt Bob aufgerollte Zeitung). – Now everybody takes a flash- card, please. If you’re not quick enough, Fiona, you have to go into the middle, take the newspaper and try to touch somebody else. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv