Lasso Englisch 3, Begleitband für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

72 ‘Oh, yes!’, answer the mouse and the rat. Suddenly the bird flies into the kitchen. ‘Hello, bird!’, the cat says. ‘These are our friends the rabbit, the dog, the guinea pig, the hamster, the mouse and the rat.’ ‘Will you come for a walk with us?’ ‘Oh, yes!’, says the bird. So the rabbit, the dog, the guinea pig, the hamster, the cat, the mouse, the rat and the bird go to the lake. Suddenly the mouse cries out: ‘Look! I can see bubbles in the water! Maybe there is a monster in the lake? But then the rat laughs: ‘Look, it is Nelly!’ Nelly hops out of the water and splashes everyone. But there is someone with her. It is a little fish! ‘Hello! This is my new friend, the fish!’ Nelly says. ‘Hello!’, they all say to the fish. All the pets laugh: ‘We made a lot of new friends today. Let’s go and have a cup of tea and a piece of cake!’ They are all very, very happy. Rollenspiel Haustiere: Pets Im anschließenden Rollenspiel zur Geschichte The walk sollen die Tiernamen cat, dog, bird, rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, mouse, rat, fish gefestigt werden. S stellen die Tiere dar. Beim Rollenspiel müssen die Dialoge natürlich gekürzt werden und L übernimmt die Erzählerrolle. Ansonsten gelten die üblichen Regeln für das Rollenspiel. S, die sich noch nicht zutrauen, die neuen Tiernamen zu sagen, bekommen eine Rollenkarte für ein bereits bekanntes Haustier. L: We are going to act the story ‘The walk’. Who wants to be the dog? Who wants to be the cat? Let’s start with our story. Let’s say, ‘Hello cat, will you come for a walk with us?’ Let’s say, ‘Hello dog, will you come for a walk with us?’… Spiel: Change places L vergibt Tiernamen an S und spielt das bekannte Spiel. Die Rolle des Spielleiters können Nelly, L oder S übernehmen. L: Who has got a cat? S: … L: Who has got a hamster? S: … L: Cats and hamsters change places! Hörtext: My pet is ill (CD 2/Track 11) L trägt den Hörtext vor oder spielt diesen von der CD. L: I’m going to tell you a story. You know, all the pets are ill … My pet is ill Sally: Hello, Harry. Oh dear! Has your hamster got a broken leg? Harry: Hello, Sally. Yes! Sally: Oh, poor hamster. My dog is ill! He has got a sore eye. Oh, look! There is Ben with his cat Tiger! Hi Ben! Ben: Hello Sally! Hi Harry! Tiger is hurt! He has been bitten on the tail. Harry: Poor Tiger! Sally: And look! There is Tom with his fish. Look at the bubbles. It has got hiccups. Poor fish. Ben: And there is our teacher Mrs. Wilson with her mouse. The mouse is hurt. It has got a plaster on its nose. Poor mouse. Harry: And there is Lucy with her rabbit! Her rabbit is hurt, too! It has bent its ear! Poor rabbit! Nelly: And what about me? I’m ill, too! I’ve got a cold! Atishoo!!! Animals Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv