Lasso Englisch 3. Listen and Lern, Arbeitsheft mit Audio-CD

40 forty Booklet für Lasso Englisch 3 Listen and Learn Unit 1: Let’s go to school! 1. Exercise 1: What’s in Ben’s school bag? Listen and tick. 0:52 2. Exercise 2: Where are the things? Listen and number the correct pictures. 1:21 3. Exercise 3: Listen and colour in the school things. 1:08 Unit 2: Me and my family 4. Exercise 1: Listen and colour in the balls. 0:42 5. Exercise 2: Who is who? What have they got? Listen and number. 0:53 6. Exercise 3: Listen and write in. 1:00 Unit 3: Toys and hobbies 7. Exercise 1: Listen and colour in. 1:17 8. Exercise 2: Listen and tick Nelly’s wishes. 0:40 9. Exercise 3: Little riddles. Listen and number the pictures. 1:20 Unit 4: The circle of the year 10. Exercise 1: What’s the weather like? Listen and number the pictures. 1:04 11. Exercise 2: What does Lily wear in spring, summer, autumn and winter? Listen and circle the clothes in the correct colour. 1:25 12. Exercise 3: What can Ben and Lily do? Listen and tick. 0:40 Unit 5: My body and my clothes 13. Exercise 1: What clothes have they got? Listen and colour in. 0:54 14. Exercise 2: What clothes have Tina, David, Sally and Ben got? Listen and tick. 1:14 15. Exercise 3: Listen and do. 1:51 Unit 6: At home 16. Exercise 1: Sally’s new home. Listen. Number the rooms in the correct order. Draw lines between the objects and the rooms. 1:28 17. Exercise 2: Where is the ball? Listen and draw. 1:05 18. Exercise 3: Listen and find the right house for each family. Match the name plates with the houses. 1:49 Unit 7: At the restaurant 19. Exercise 1: What have they got for breakfast? Listen and tick. 1:05 20. Exercise 2: How much is it? Listen and draw lines to the correct prices. 1:30 21. Exercise 3: What kinds of pizza do Ben and Tom eat? Listen and draw in the right ingredients. 1:08 Unit 8: Animals 22. Exercise 1: Find the animals. Listen and number the pictures. 1:26 23. Exercise 2: Listen, look and colour in. 0:58 24. Exercise 3: True or false? Listen and tick. 1:10 Nur p zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv