Lasso Englisch 3. Listen and Lern, Arbeitsheft mit Audio-CD

37 Animals thirty-seven Nelly likes best. Martin likes very much. Britney likes very much. Jenny likes . Ravi and David like . I like best. I don’t like . What do they like? What do you like? What don’t you like? Write and say. 8 dogs tigers bears birds cats bats spiders fish horses monkeys rabbits Where are the animals? Read and number the pictures. 7 1) The dog is in the pond. 2) A duck is behind Nelly. 3) The sheep are in the field. 4) Squeaky is behind the tractor. 5) There is a cat under the cow. 6) Lily feeds the rabbit. 7) There is a bird on a horse. 8) Nelly is sleeping on a sheep. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv