Lasso Englisch 3. Listen and Lern, Arbeitsheft mit Audio-CD

30 At the restaurant thirty What do you need for a full English breakfast? Write a shopping list. 6 ham rice tomatoes orange juice tea apples sausages baked beans eggs toast milk pizza bananas bacon Read and number the pictures in the correct order. 1. Ben likes orange juice for breakfast. 2. Lily’s favourite food is ham and eggs . 3. Sausages often belong to the full English breakfast. 4. From Monday to Friday Tina has cornflakes with milk for breakfast. 5. On Sundays she likes yoghurt on top of her muesli . 6. Many English people have toast and jam in the morning. 7. Would you like a piece of cake ? 8. Tom often eats a slice of bread with cheese during break time. 5 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv