Lasso Englisch 4. Pupil's Book, Schulbuch

9 My friends and me nine My friend and me Sing the song. 1 1.08 My friend and me, we are a team. We share our day and our dream. We play together, jump and run. We ride our bikes and have such fun. My friend and me, we are a team. We share our day and our dream. We talk, we walk, we swim, we skate. We dance and sing until it’s late. And when I’m sad and call my friend, he always gives a helping hand. My friend and me, we are a team. We share our day and our dream. Read the text. Then make your own text. Hello. My name is Jason . Here is my best friend. His name is Bill . I’m 10 years old. I’m from Sydney in Australia . Where are you from? 2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv