Lasso Englisch 4. Pupil's Book, Schulbuch

3 three Myday 14 Dailyactivities Ben’sday.Draw in the time. 1 fourteen Igetupathalfpast seven. Ihavebreakfastata quarter toeight. Igo to schoolathalf pasteight. I comehome from schoolat fouro’clock. Idomyhomeworkat halfpast four. Igo tobedateight o’clock. Myday.Complete the sentencesanddraw in the time. Igetupat . Ihavebreakfastat . Igo to schoolat . I comehome from schoolat . Idomyhomeworkat . Igo tobedat . 2 Say the tongue twister. 3 1.14 Twowitchesarewatching twowatches. Whichwitch iswatchingwhichwatch? ...o’clock aquarter to halfpast aquarterpast 40 forty At thezoo Let’s talk! Fill in the survey.Askyour friendabouthisorher favouriteanimal. 1 Wheredoesyour favouriteanimal live? 2 Is itbigor is it small? 3 Has itgot fur? 4 Howmany legshas itgot? 5 Can it run fast? 6 Is itagood swimmer? 7 Does it layeggs? 8 What is its favourite food? 9 Is itadangerousanimal? Thankyou! 1 Ithasgot… Yes, it is. No, it can’t. Yes, it can. No, ithasn’t. No, it isn’t. Its favourite food is… Yes, itdoes. It lives Nowyou canplay “Guessmyanimal”withyour friends. 2 Guessmy animal. Is itbig? Shoppingat themarket 35 Howwas theunit? thirty-five Let’scheck! Find the correctwordsand fill in the crosswordpuzzle. 1. It isgreen.Nelly likes it. 2.You canhave themasa juice forbreakfast. 3.Theyare redandyou canmakea salad. 4.You caneat them coldorwarm. 5.Theyareorangeand rabbits like them. 6.Theyareyellowandmonkeys like them. 7.Theyare redorgreenandgrowon trees in thegarden. 8.Theyareyellowand redand very sweet. 9.Theyare redand very sweet. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Whichword canyou find in theblue field? 2 Shoppingat themarket Shoppingat themarket 30 31 thirty-one thirty 1.32 Shoppingat themarket carrots oranges cucumbers apricots cherries lettuce kiwis strawberries apples biscuits cabbage bananas cupcakes buns tomatoes cake pears peaches plums Brussels sprouts o n i o n s rolls bread 1 ▶ Lookand say: • What fruit can you see? • What vegetables can you see? 2 ▶ Listen to the storyand findout: • What fruitdo the childrenbuy for their fruit salad? • Howmuch is italtogether? Story – Each unit starts with a picture story . – Important words are labelled . – The CD symbol refers to the matching story on the teacher’s CD. Exercise Each unit includes two pages with exercises around the topic. Many of the exercises refer to a spoken text, chant or song on CD. Speak The dialogue page should guide and encourage you to speak English. Reflect On the Let’s check page you’ll find questions and riddles to review the main content of a unit. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv