Lasso Englisch 4. Pupil's Book, Schulbuch

11 My friends and me How was the unit? Let’s check! This is Ben’s interview with his new friend. Do you know the answers? Number the answers in the right order. 1  1. What’s your name?  2. How old are you?  3. Where do you live?  4. When is your birthday?  5. Have you got a brother or a sister?  6. What’s your favourite food?  7. What’s your favourite drink?  8. Do you like animals?  9. What’s your favouri- te book? 10. What’s your hobby?  I’m ten.  Yes, I have got two sisters.  I like cola best.  My name is Paul.  My hobby is play- ing football.  I live in Austria.  Yes, I do. I have got two cats.  Gregs Tagebuch.  My birthday is in June.  Spaghetti and ice-cream. eleven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv