Lasso Englisch 3. Pupil's Book, Schulbuch

3 three 39 Where isSqueaky? Where isSqueaky? Fill in themissingwords. Squeaky is the shelf. Squeaky is thebed. Squeaky is the table. Squeaky is thewardrobe. Squeaky is the chair. Squeaky is the sofa. in under on behind in frontof next to 1 thirty-nine Let‘smakea room inabox. Createyourdream roomandpresent it. Takea shoebox. Paint the insideof the shoebox inyour favourite colour. Cutoutwindowsandadoor. Decorateyour room. 2 Athome At the restaurant 46 forty-six Let’s talk! Doyou like . . .?Yes, Ido.No, Idon’t. Interview three classmates! 1 Whatwouldyou like todrink/ toeat? Hereyouare. Enjoyyourmeal. I’d like… Actout thedialogue. 2 Food Names Name: Name: Name: pizza spaghetti salad fish fingers chips rice Whatwouldyou like toeat? Whatwouldyou like todrink? Meandmy family Howwas theunit? 17 seventeen Let’scheck! Listenand colour in. Fill in thewords. father mother brother sister Find theoddoneout. 1 1.15 2 3 f a t h e r m o t h e r b o o k s i s t e r b l u e b r o w n b r o t h e r b l a c k b r o t h e r m o t h e r s i s t e r r u b b e r 6 7 Let’sgo toschool Let’sgo toschool 3 ▶ Lookand say:  • Howmany children can you see?  • What’son thedesks?   • What colour isBen’s schoolbag? 1 ▶ Listen to the story. 2 ▶ Listenagainand findout: • What’s the teacher’sname? • What canBennot find? • WhathasNellygot? seven six 1.05 flag pen table rubber board pupil bookshelf teacher AtschoolwithNelly computer poster desk globe schoolbag chair wheelchair book box sponge Story – Each unit starts with a picture story . – Important words are labelled . – The CD symbol refers to the matching story on the teacher’s CD. Exercise Every unit includes two pages with exercises around the topic. Many of the exercises refer to a spoken text, chant or song on CD. Speak The dialogue page should guide and encourage you to speak English. Reflect On the Let’s check page you’ll find questions and riddles to review the main content of a unit. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv