Prime Time 7, Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks

Look at the pictures and the texts on these two pages. a) Choose two pictures from this double page and discuss whether they show something you would regard as typically British. b) Make a short list of things, impressions, ideas, pictures that come to your mind when you think of the British. c) Mark those items on your list which you think are clichés. Try to specify them in a classroom discussion. d) Explain what the other pictures show (the place, the occasion, the situation, the people, …). 1  Word bank to show • to represent • to associate with • (un)fair • (in)correct • judgement • ridiculous • strange • unbelievable • wonderful • amazing • oldfashioned • traditional • conservative • funny • unusual • typical of W 8 Unit Internet resources j7jg8e The British today 1 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv