Prime Time 7, Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks

Texts Skills practice Listening Speaking Unit 6 p. 80 India •• B. Sidhwa: Cracking India •• Religion in India •• Matrimonials •• Father to a nation, stranger to his son •• S. Rushdi on Gandhi •• Listening for detail •• Talking about India •• Comparing and contrast- ing photographs •• Summarising a text •• Presenting internet findings •• Giving a presentation Unit 7 p. 94 Celebrities •• An encyclopaedia entry •• High flying, adored •• Paparazzi •• Reality TV celebrities: Exactly what do they do? •• Listening for detail •• Explaining what makes people celebrities •• Commenting on survey results •• Comparing different types of newspapers •• Discussing the necessity of paparazzi •• Explaining features of Bollywood films Unit 8 p. 108 Art •• Guerilla art •• M. Olmstead on 60 Minu­ tes : Is she the real deal? •• Britain’s ugliest buildings •• Colorado inmates’ art expresses pain, hope and dreams •• Listening for detail •• Talking about art •• Discussing the value of art •• Commenting on graffiti •• Role play: Graffiti artist caught in the act •• Interpreting abstract art Unit 9 p. 122 Ethnic and cultural diversity •• The psychology of stereotypes •• Can we improve on affirmative action? •• ZZ Packer: “I think it’s the architecture” •• J. Kay: “In my country” •• Britain should integrate into Muslim values •• Three generations, two cultures •• Taking notes •• Listening for detail •• Listening for gist •• Commenting on pictures and attitudes •• Discussing an article •• Discussing affirmative action •• Giving a presentation Unit 10 p. 136 Shakespeare live •• The Shakespeare portrait •• Extracting information •• W. Shakespeare: Extracts from Richard III •• Listening for gist •• Listening for detail •• Taking notes •• Role play: A job interview with young W. Shake- speare •• Talking about films Internet resources ux246t Internet resources 64g2yx Internet resources e9g239 Internet resources d3g6pw Internet resources 8d4pt2 p. 206 Solutions to the Check-out pages p. 150 Semester self-checks 6 Table of contents Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv