Prime Time 7, Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks

Growing up Look at the pictures on these two pages and describe one of them in detail. • What aspect of adolescence does it refer to? • Give it a title. Why Ben? The third picture and the newspaper article on this page refer to a knife crime epidemic in London. Speculate what could have happened and what consequences the offenders might have to face. Inform yourself about the issue online. 1  Word bank Crime and violence alibi • armed • arrest • assault • to break the law • caution • cell • to charge with • to commit a crime • community service • court • fine • to get away with • guilty of • imprisonment • innocent • judge • jury • lawyer • offence • prison • punishment • sentence • trial • verdict • weapon • witness W 2  52 Unit Internet resources 948g3x Adolescence 4 Ben Kinsella, brother of EastEnders actress Brooke Kinsella, is murdered The schoolboy brother of EastEnders actress Brooke Kinsella became the latest innocent victim of a knife crime epidemic in London. Ben Kinsella, 16, was attacked in the street as he tried to run away from a fight in Islington. Friends said he was an innocent bystander but was chased by a group of youths shouting, “Get him, get him.” Police said two 16-year-olds had been arrested in connection with the murder. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentu des Verlags öbv