Prime Time 7, Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks

Focus on language Reading Writing Vocabulary Grammar •• Reading for gist •• Reading for detail •• Reading for specific information •• A personal statement •• A poster •• A report •• An article •• Politics and international affairs •• Policies •• Prepositions •• Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns •• Gerund or infinitive? •• Editing •• Reconstructing texts •• Reading for gist •• Reading for detail •• Finding headlines to pictures •• A report •• An e-mail to the editor •• Doing research on smoking in public places •• Giving advice on healthy food •• What to eat •• Where to eat •• Eating disorders •• Organs in the human body •• Special needs and disabilities •• Word formation with suffixes •• Reading for detail •• Reading for specific information •• Dealing with information from the internet •• A report •• A review •• A formal letter •• An essay •• Regional identities •• Life in the city and the country •• Poetry: Stylistic devices •• Confusable words •• “False friends” •• Prepositions •• Gerund or infinitive? •• Reading a story •• Characterising literary figures •• Summarising a story •• Analysing a story •• Reading for specific information •• Evaluating the language of various newspaper types •• A chat conversation •• Doing research on juvenile law •• An e-mail to the editor •• An article on today’s youth •• Crime and violence •• Love •• Rights and responsi­ bilities •• Conditionals •• Phrasal verbs •• Analysing a poem •• Analysing texts (narrator, tone, style) •• Reading for detail •• Reading for specific information •• Predicting •• A story based on a poem •• An essay •• An e-mail •• Emotions •• Synonyms •• Comparison and contrast •• Conditions 5 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv