Prime Time 7, Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks

Writing: Healthy food As the Agony Aunt/Uncle of a teen magazine you have received an e-mail from Mike who has problems with his physical appearance. You respond to his message. In your e-mail you should: • comment on his situation • help building up some self-confidence • make suggestions for a healthier lifestyle Write around 250 words . Re.: Healthy food Reply Reply to All Forward I’ve been really unhappy recently. I’m 14, rather short and fat, and was bullied quite harshly in primary school. I started making some friends in my first years at high school but my “friends” are gradually drift- ing away from me. We see each other in school but don’t interact much even when I try my hardest. All these issues make me overeat even more and it just becomes a vicious cycle. I’ve thought about making some new friends but virtually no one at school wants anything to do with me. I feel like I don’t have one single good friend in the world. Please help me. 1  Can write e-mails […] highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences and commenting on the correspondent’s […] views. (B2) Language in use: Word formation with suffixes Read the text about PE at schools. Some words are missing. Change the word in brackets to form the missing word for each gap (1–9). Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. A recent study shows that exercise is good not only for the body but also the mind. It also shows that physical education and academic …  0  (instruct) need not be mutually exclusive. In the study, it was sought to determine how …  1  (implement) a daily physical …  2  (active) programme would affect student achievement. …  3  (research) compared state …  4  (standard) reading test scores for the year before and the year after the …  5  (initiate) of the programme. Results showed that the time spent out of a …  6  (tradition) classroom in order to increase physical …  7  (educate) did not hurt students’ academic achievement. In fact, student test scores improved. “These data indicate that when …  8  (careful) designed physical education programmes are put into place, children’s academic …  9  (achieve) does not suffer,” one of the researchers said. 0 instruction ✔ 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 2  35 Check-out Now you can • Discuss healthy choices in your nutrition. • Talk about your eating habits. • Explain health risks associated with smoking. • Speak about people with special needs. • Complain about discriminating behaviour. • Form words with suffixes. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv