Prime Time 7, Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks

2 Spot on language Word formation: Forming words with suffixes I alternat ive  •  assist ance  •  assist ant  •  attract ive  •  avoid able  •  beautiful ly  •  class ify •  care ful •  combina tion • confus ed •  conscious ness •  count able •  curios ity •  danger ous •  dark ness •  demonstra tion •  depend ent • develop ment •  frighten ing •  intellig ence •  interview er •  opt ion •  pack age •  pleas ant •  politic al • propos al •  responsibil ity •  robbe ry •  sad ness •  special ise •  weak en a) With a partner, look at the words above and find out whether they are nouns, adjectives, verbs or adverbs. Draw a chart like the one below and fill in the words. b) Now look at the suffixes printed in bold and check which of them turn: • nouns into adjectives • nouns into verbs • verbs into adjectives • adjectives into nouns/verbs • adjectives into adverbs. Enter your discoveries into the rows of the “Word formation rules”-column. Words Word formation rules Nouns alternative to alternate (v.) + -ive Adjectives attractive to attract (v.) + -ive Verbs … … Adverbs … … c) Form two or more words with each suffix and collect them in your exercise book. You may use a dictionary for this task. Word formation: Forming words with suffixes II Read the text about sports. Some words are missing. Change the word in brackets to form the missing word for each gap (1–10). Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. A recent documentary showcased not …  0  (profession) athletes but those free-time …  1  (run) , football players and golfers who …  2  (regular) work out to keep their bodies in shape. Due to the positive …  3  (impress) created by the motivation of the athletes and their …  4  (intrigue) personal backgrounds the documentary was one of the most …  5  (success) TV programmes this year. Take Joanne Roberts, for example. As a mother of two daughters and with a …  6  (respect) career as a full-time history teacher, she has her hands full. Yet she is proud of her …  7  (involve) with the Chelsea women’s football team. Her …  8  (determine) for the sport and …  9  (responsible) for her team has set an …  10  (impress) example for her fellow team members. 0 professional ✔ 1  6 2  7 3  8 4  9 5 10 1  Fact file Suffix One or more letters or sounds added at the end of a word to modify the word‘s meaning, such as -able , which changes the verb to sing into the adjective singable . F 2  34 Health issues Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv