Prime Time 7, Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks

Solutions to the Check-out pages Unit7,pages 106–107 Exercise 1 1:E,2:A,3:G,4:D,5: F Exercise 3 1:dropped,2: recently,3: reality,4: impossible,5: coin- cided,6: fading,7:unforeseen,8: viewers,9: cultural, 10:producer, 11:exposition, 12: contestant, 13:mostly, 14:different Unit 8,pages 120–121 Exercise 1 1:T (But forCalvin Ford, l.6),2: F (“All I see is, l. 10), 3: F (CanonCity,whereTerritorial, l.28),4: F (Jacob Ind, whoplanned, l.49),5:T (Theonly true fence, l.60) Exercise 3 1: is raised,2:notanswered,3: informs,4:hashap- pened,5:waspublished,6:accepts,7:doesn’tagree, 8:believe,9: isbeingdealtwith, 10:offers, 11:have altered, 12: thinks Unit 9,page 135 Exercise 1 1: todefine ,2:hadended,3:goback,4: totally/ completely,5: inmosques/to teach Islam Exercise 2 1: represented,2: immigration,3: strictly,4:elected, 5:marking,6:origin,7: racial,8: solve,9:action Unit 10,page 149 Exercise 1 1:wasanactor,2:manypeopleaspossible,3:as popular,4: likeonfilm,5: combiningmusicand Exercise 2 1: to,2:able,3: to,4:of,5: ✔ ,6:but,7:more,8:up, 9: to, 10: spent, 11: ✔ Unit 1,pages 20–21 Exercise 1 1:H,2:G,3:B,4:D,5:A Exercise 3 1:T (Until theadventof, l. 11),2:T (Until theadventof, l. 11),3: F (Theywillhappilydiscuss (l. 19),4: F (Not that theywould, l.26),5: F (The insensitive loudmouthsare, l.33),6: F (In typicallyEnglish fashion, l.46) Unit2,page 35 Exercise 2 1: implementing,2:activity,3:Researchers,4: stan- dardised,5: initiation,6: traditional,7:education, 8: carefully,9:achievement Unit3,pages 50–51 Exercise 1 1:H,2:C,3:A,4:D,5: F,6:G Exercise 3 1:H,2:E,3:G,4:B,5: I,6:D,7:C Unit4,pages 64–65 Exercise 1 1:A,2:C,3:D,4:B,5:A Unit5,pages78–79 Exercise 1 1:D,2:C,3:A,4:B,5:C Exercise 3 1:B,2:C,3:D,4:D,5:B,6:A,7:A Unit6,pages 92–93 Exercise 1 1:B,2:A,3:D,4:A Exercise 4 1:B,2:D,3:C,4:B,5:A,6:C,7:D,8:B,9:A 206 Vocabulary Words inblue: Thesewords/phrasesare themost importantones, the core vocabulary. You should learn themfirst. Words inblack: Thesewords/phrasesareadditional vocabulary,whichwill furtherhelp you to improve your language skills. TheBritish today to comprise !kEm*praIz? TheUS comprises 50 states. umfassen TheUnitedKingdomand its citizens 1 Chancellorof theExchequer !*tSA"nsElE EvDi" Iks*tSekE? TheChancellorof theExchequermetwithhis counterpart, the Frenchfinanceminister. Finanzminister/in toproposenew laws Itwas time toproposenew lawsagainstanti-socialbehaviour. neueGesetze vorschlagen denomination Greek coinswereminted indifferentdenominations. Nennwert 2 toallocate !*xlEUkeIt? Wehave tomake sure that thegovernmentallocatesenough funds for theproject. zuweisen Britain’s search foran identity 1 pride Hewas theprideofhis family. Stolz tongue-in-cheek Their tongue-in-cheekperformancewas thehighlightof the evening. ironisch,nichternstgemeint Tesco Shoppingat Tesco’s – that’show I spendmySaturdayafternoons thesedays. NameeinerenglischenSuper- marktkette Fatso (derog.) Fatso isaword foroverweightpeople that is certainlynot politically correct. Dicke/r Bingo TheBingohallwaspackedwithold ladies. Lotteriespiel Asbo (anti-socialbehaviour order) !*xzbEU? In spiteof theAsbohehad receivedhe continued tomolest people. Verfügungwegenasozialen Verhaltens 2 fair-minded Everybodywas convinced that they shouldgeta sympatheticand fair-mindedhearing. aufrichtig,ehrlich 3 dead serious Hisanswerwasdead serious. todernst TheBritish character 1 by thebucketload The touristswere shipped to the islandby thebucketload. kübelweise tokeepa stiffupper lip Itwasdifficult for them tokeepa stiffupper lip. Haltungbewahren tweedymanner hier: Angewohntheit,Tweedstoffe zu tragen inamusement !In E*mju"zmEnt? They lookedateachother inamusement. belustigt,amüsiert ambassador Thenewambassadorwaswelcomedby thepresident. Botschafter/in virtually !*v3"tSUEl? Therewas virtuallyno spacebetweenmeand thewall. praktisch,gewissermaßen interchangeable !+IntE*tSeIndZEbl? These two termsare virtually interchangeable.There isno difference inmeaning. austauschbar to infuriate !In*fjUErIeIt? His lackof interest infuriatedhisparents. verärgern to strikeout Afterhe cameback from Japanhehad to strikeoutagain. hier: neubeginnen devolvedgovernment Devolvedgovernmentmeans that certain issuesaredealtwithon a local rather thanonanational level. dezentralisierteRegierung civic The councilorganiseda civic reception for the school leavers. (staats-)bürgerlich to issue !*ISju"? DowningStreet issueda statementby thePrimeMinister. (einSchriftstück)herausgeben principality Monaco isoneof the lastprincipalities inEurope. Fürstentum collective Theymadea collectiveeffort to solve the conflict. gemeinschaftlich,kollektiv delusion !dI*lu"Zn? He thinkshe is thebest,but thismaywellbeadelusion. Täuschung togrip The ideaofa sudden changegripped their imagination. erfassen,ergreifen redundant !rI*d0ndEnt? The fallof theSovietUnionhasmade the IronCurtain redundant. überflüssig singlehandedly Shewas thefirstwoman to sailaround theworld singlehandedly. Shemusthavebeen very lonely. allein, imAlleingang Unit 1 175 Die Angabe der Lösungen der Aufgaben auf den Check-out -Seiten unterstützt bei der Selbstkontrolle . Das unitbegleitende Vocabulary listet den Wortschatz in der Reihenfolge seines Vorkommens auf. Die farbliche Kennzeichnung von Kern- und Erweiterungswort­ schatz hilft bei der Orientierung. MrCarverwalks alongside theboys, shoutingwith disappointment. “Abedidn’tgiveupuntilhewas dead!Youdon’tgiveup tillyou’redead,boys.Boys!” […] It’s time for the costumeparade, and the contestants lineup tofileby the judges. […] An aging stereo systemblares “TheBattleHymnof theRepublic” as the contestantsmarchpast.AsArnie floatsby the judges, theotherskeep theirdistance; onemotherholdsbackher son.The judgeshave reached theirdecision.Before they announce the “results”, themayor tellsus that allof the costumes weregreat, that “all thekids arewinners.” If that is the case, thenplease tellmewhywe even botherhavingprizes and ribbons. If everyone is a winner, thenwhat is thepoint? Iwill tellyouwhat the point is– and Iwill tellyoubecause I thinkyoumight be able tounderstand.Thepoint is that theman making the announcement, themayorof this town, JerryGaps, is lying.Not allof the costumeswere good.Most, in fact, look likeputridity, if that’s aword. We shouldbe embarrassedbyour attempt at patriotism. (From:PeterHedges, What’sEatingGilbertGrape? ) 85 90 95 100 Statements T F First fourwords 0 Endora isa very remoteplace in Iowa. ✘ The town is packed 1 The costumeswornat theparade lackoriginalityand attention todetail. 2 Thenarrator likes theAbraham Lincoln costume. 3 More thanoneperson isdressedasWashingtonCrossing theDelaware. 4 Thenarrator isproudof the recognitionArnie receives for his costume. 5 Arnie knocksdown three childrenwithhisboat. 6 TheCarverboysgiveuphalfway through. 7 Thenarrator isappalledby the jury’s lackofhonesty. Storyelements Describe the setting, the charactersand theplotof the story. Thebirthof theUS List the costumes thatwereentered for theparadeandfind some background informationon thehistoricalpersonsbehind them. Attitudes Underlinewordsandphrases in the textwhichdescribe thenarrator’s attitude towards the townspeopleandhishometown. GilbertGrape:The film –A review   WG 1 Watch thefilm What’sEatingGilbertGrape? starring JohnnyDeppand LeonardoDiCaprioandwritea review for anonlinefilmmagazinegiving yourown criticalopinion. In your review, you should: • outline theplotof thefilm ina short summary • analyse three scenes thatwereparticularly impressing • make suggestionsand recommendations forother viewers Writea review ofabout 250/400words .Give your reviewa title . 3 4 5 6 43 W Writing guide WG 1: A review   Page 43 Formand content The formof reviews can varywidely.Reviews found indifferent sources range from very informal towell-written onesproducedbyprofessional critics inqualitynewspapersand specialisedmagazines.Thebasic structure, however, stays the same: title – introduction –body – conclusion Since reviewsarea relatively free typeof text,writersoftendonot stick tofixed rules.The formofa review dependson itspurposeand targetgroup.A commentonafilmon the internet, forexample,doesnot require a special form.Everybody canpresent theiropinion there. Writinga review Useful tips Introduction Chooseanappropriate title for your review. Paragraphs Give themain informationaboutwhat’sbeing reviewed. You canalso startwithaquestion toarouse the reader’s interest (e.g. “Whathappenswhen a snobbishmulti-millionaireandanunemployedunder-classgirl fall in love?”). Structure your text intoparagraphs. If you startanewpoint, youalsoneed to startanew paragraph. Opinion Give youropinion.Donotonly summariseafilm, text,etc.butalso state yourpointof view clearly. If youdidnot likewhat’sbeing reviewed,give your reasons. Conclusion Conclude the textbygiving suggestionsor recommendations. Sample review a) Read thisprompt fora reviewandanswer thequestionsbelow. • Who is the targetgroupof the review? • What is theappropriate style? • What informationmustbe included? You recently saw thisnotice inanEnglish-languagemagazine called Teen FilmWorld . REVIEWSNEEDED! Have you recentlywatchedafilmabouta current topic (e.g. immi- gration)and the setofproblems surrounding it? If so, sendus your film review! Include informationonwhat kindoffilm it is,what it is aboutandwhetherornot youwould recommend it tootherpeople. Thebest reviewswillbepublishednextmonth. b) Put the jumbledpartsof the sample reviewon thenextpage into the correctorder. c) Identify the followingparts: title – introduction –body – conclusion. d) Underlineusefulwordsandphrases that you coulduse forwriting yourown review. 1 2 170 Writingguide Im Writing guide steht die praktische Erarbeitung verschiedener Textsorten im Mittelpunkt. Die Beispieltexte werden durch Useful language und Useful tips ergänzt. Seitenverweise zurück auf die Units stellen den Kontext sicher und erleichtern das Arbeiten. Verweis auf die CD Ihres Lehrers/Ihrer Lehrerin 1.1 Verweis auf die CD in diesem Buch 1 Verweis auf die DVD in diesem Buch 2 Verweis auf eine Übung, für die ein Internet­ zugang benötigt wird Verweis auf einen Online-Code j7jg8e Kennzeichnung einer Übung im Format der Standardisierten Reifeprüfung oder anderer standardisierter Prüfungen Abkürzungen und Zeichen adj. adjective coll. colloquial derog. derogatory sb. somebody etw. etwas sth. something jmdm. jemandem jmdn. jemanden pl. Plural  ist das Gegenteil von  ist verwandt mit = entspricht Symbole W Writing guide A blog   Page 15 A blog (from weblog, a compound of “web” and “logbook ntries (= blog posts) are published on a regular basis. B culture, politics, social topics, education, cooking, travelli participate in discussions by commenting on earlier entr Checklist: Blog • Include a title when you write a blog post. Use clear p • Keep yourself up to date about what is going on in th • Include facts, figures and opinions of others. • Use informal, semi-for al or formal language to addr • The tone can be melancholic, humoristic, sarcastic, et text. Useful tips Form A blog is a very open and flexible me subjective views. Topics Be prepared to write about topics su education/parents, different generati cooking, environment, sports, first ex false facts, etc. Title Give your blog post an appropriate tit Layout and structure When writing a blog post make sure t publishing date and give it a title ref and also pay attention to structure (i When writing a blog comment, pay a answering to. If necessary, include fa of view. Paragraphs Use paragraphs for each idea. Cohesi Cohesion deals with sentence unity Language The language of your text should be i purpose and your audience. In inform readers personally and to make them Tone The tone (humoristic, sarcastic, etc.) While writing keep in mind Who is the target audience? What is t experience or create community? a) A blog post Example question It is often said that travel broadens the mind, but should 1 Writing guide   Page 43   WG 1 3 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv