Prime Time 7, Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks

2 No smoking How smoking harms our bodies The harmful substances contained in cigarette smoke affect our bodies in many ways. a) Complete the descriptions with suitable words. cancer teeth osteoporosis immune stroke heartburn chemicals lungs transfer skin sticky stomach wrinkling female pump oxygen reproductive bone vulnerable arterial abnormal 1  The 1  becomes dry and loses its elasticity as a result of poor circulation. Premature 2   is common. When free radicals (highly reactive chemicals) react with cholesterol, plaques are formed, which increase the risk of 3   damage, heart disease and 4   . Carbon monoxide displaces 5   car- ried by the blood. So the heart must 6   more blood through the body to 7   the same amount of oxygen to the cells. Smoking affects the 8   sys- tem. Many 9   smokers experience irregular or absent periods and fertility is compromised. Men face lower sperm count and more 10  sperm with decreased motility. Smoker’s 11   systems are impaired, leaving the smoker 12   to a host of minor infections. Tar is 13  and brown and causes damage to the mouth, 14   and gums. Hydrogen cyanide prevents the 15   from cleaning themselves of poisonous 16   by damaging the tiny hairs that help to clean the lungs. The tars in smoke can trigger 17  of the oesophagus and throat. Smoking causes increased 18  acid secretion, leading to 19  and ulcers. Cigarette smoking decreases 20  density, promoting 21   . b) Prepare a short speech for 14-year-olds highlighting the harmful effects of smoking. As you cannot use all the information, select three aspects and present them in a graphic way by adding examples young people can relate to. 28 Health issues Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv