Prime Time 7, Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks

A These changes start to happen in many young people, even under the age of 20. 0 H  B They can give you a short feeling of energy, but they are not good for you. 1 C So many people rely on ready-to-eat foods and fast food. 2 D But if you are not using energy, e. g. by exercising, you are likely to put on weight. 3 E Think of your parents or grandparents – do they have any of these diseases? 4 F make sure you have all the nutrients needed for your brain to function well. 5 G You may have heard about the basic food groups. 6 H Healthy eating can make you look different and feel different. I For vegetarians there are a number of non-meat sources of protein available. b) Relate the information in the text to the picture of the food plate on page 26. • Which foods should you eat more often? • Which ones do you need in smaller amounts? • Which foods do you need to limit? c) On the basis of the information in the text, collect tips for teenagers to make healthy choices in their nutrition. Speaking: Freedom from the diet trap a) Match the sentence halves about diets and eating disorders. 1. 81% of ten-year-olds A the average American model is 1.8m tall and weighs 53 kg. 2. Americans spend over $40 billion B progress to partial or full-syndrome eating disorders. 3. 25% of American men and 45% of American women C on dieting and diet-related products each year. 4. 20–25% of people on a diet D will regain their lost weight in 1–5 years. 5. 95% of all dieters E are afraid of being fat. 6. The average American woman is 1.62m tall and weighs 64 kg whereas F are on a diet on any given day. b) You are worried that your cousin is suffering from an eating disorder. You talk about the matter with your best friend. Discuss the following aspects: • the difference between a diet and a healthy diet • symptoms of an eating disorder • possible reasons for an eating disorder • the role of the media • what you could do to help your friend Decide on how to best approach your cousin. ✔ 6  Word bank Eating disorders abnormal • anorexia nervosa • binge eating • bulimia nervosa • cause • eating habits • excessive • food intake • idealised body types • influence • insufficient • peer pressure • psychological issues • self-help • social situation • therapy group • to affect • treatment centre W 27 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv