Prime Time 7, Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks

2 You are what you eat Calories and stuff a) With a partner, discuss the following questions: • What do you know about calories? • Do you pay attention to calories in your daily life? Give reasons why you do/don’t. b) Have a look at the food below and fill in: • How many calories do you think the items have? • How many kilometres do you think you’d have to walk to burn these calories? Hamburger Cheeseburger Double burger Mega burger calories km calories km calories km calories km Boiled potatoes, 100g Roast potatoes, 100g Homemade chips, 100g Chips in a fast food restaurant, 100g calories km calories km calories km calories km Apple, 100g Apple puree, 100g Homemade apple pie, 100g Apple pie in a fast food restaurant, 100g calories km calories km calories km calories km c) Check the correct figures with your teacher. d) Comment on the chart and explain: • What are the reasons for the increase in calories from left to right? • Take one item from each row and create different meals (burger + side dish + dessert). • Compare: What’s the difference in calories in a homemade meal in contrast to a fast food meal? • How many kilometres would you have to walk to burn the calories of a fast food meal? Where in your town would the fast food restaurant have to be? 1  Word bank What and where to eat all you can eat • barbecue • beverage • buffet • deep fried • to defrost • dessert • fast-food • fine dining • free refill • homemade • ingredients • main course • microwave • recipe • restaurant • sauce • seasoning • spicy • to warm up W 24 Health issues Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv