Prime Time 7, Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks

Goals • CommentontextsaboutBritain. • Giveapresentationaboutpoliticalmatters. • AnalysecriticaltextsabouttheBritishidentity. • Summarisetextsandtheirmessages. Lookat thepicturesand the textson these twopages. a) Choose twopictures from thisdoublepageanddiscusswhether they show something youwould regardas typicallyBritish. b) Makea short listof things, impressions, ideas,pictures that come to yourmindwhen you thinkof theBritish. c) Mark those itemson your listwhich you thinkare clichés.Try to specify them ina classroomdiscussion. d) Explainwhat theotherpictures show (theplace, theoccasion, the situation, thepeople,…). 1 Wordbank toshow • torepresent • toassociatewith • (un)fair • (in)correct • judgement • ridiculous • strange • unbelievable • wonderful • amazing • old-fashioned • traditional • conservative • funny • unusual • typicalof W Your turn:My viewof theBritish Writea textofnotmore than 50wordsabout your viewof theBritish. Useabbreviations like in texting ifnecessary. 2 Fact file TheBritish today • TheUnitedKingdomisapoliticalterm,referringtoEngland,Wales,ScotlandandNorthernIreland. • GreatBritainisthelargestoftheBritishIsles,comprisingEngland,ScotlandandWales. • Theadjective“British”isgenerallyusedtorefertoeveryoneintheUK.TheScotsandWelshusuallysaytheyhave BritishcitizenshipbutdescribetheirnationalityasbeingScottishorWelsh.InNorthernIrelandsomepeoplewill saytheyareBritish,otherssaytheyareIrishandsomesaytheyareboth. F 8 9 Unit Internet resources j7jg8e The British today 1 Jede der zehn Units startet mit einer ansprechenden Auftaktdoppelseite . Anhand von Bild- und Textimpulsen steigen Sie in das Thema der Unit ein, unterstützt wird dies durch Kästen mit Redemitteln ( Word banks , Useful phrases ) sowie Hintergrundwissen ( Fact files ). Auf einigen Seiten im Buch finden Sie Online-Codes . Diese führen Sie zu weiteren Materialien. Geben Sie den Code einfach in das Suchfeld auf ein. Speaking –Pairedactivity:Ahealthyparty? Youare celebrating yourbirthday togetherwith your best friend.Youmeet to talkaboutwhat foodand drinks toofferat yourparty. Discuss the followingoptions: • finger food • healthy snacks • ice-cream • smoothies • softdrinks Decidewhat to serve.Agreeon three. 2 Listening: Foodpassion a) Youaregoing to listen to fourpeople talkingabout their eatinghabits.First youwillhave45 seconds to study the taskbelow, then youwillhear the recording twice.While listening,match thebeginningsof the sentences (1–7)with the sentence endings (A–J).Thereare two sentence endings that you shouldnotuse.Write your answers in theboxesprovided.Thefirstone (0)hasbeendone for you. 0 Thebestoption forpeoplewithweight problemswouldbe… D ✔ A as shewants tomake sure thateveryone canfindadish that they like. 1 Thefirst speakerblamesourmodern life style forweightproblems… B in spiteof the fact thatheused tobea vegetarian forawhile. 2 The second speaker is fullofpraise for the newownerof theAmazonCafé… C becausepeopledonotexercisewhen they areoffwork. 3 Therearemanydifferent versionsofEnergy Bowls… D ifpeople could control theirweightwithout cosmetic surgery. 4 Someparentsfind ithard to feed their babieswith regularbaby food… E as shedoesnot just servehealthy food that tastesgood. 5 They tryoutall sortsof vegetabledishes to feed theirbabies… F isahealthydiet. 6 The fourth speaker lovesburgers… G because theybelieve thathome-made productsarehealthier. 7 Healso lovesMexican food… H because theyare too lazy to cook themselves. I because fast food isamonghis favourites. J because theyarenot surewhat it contains. b) Listen to the recordingagainandwritedownasmanywordsas you can thathave something todowith food and eating. c) Group thewords into categories thatmake sense for you (e.g. ingredients). d) Share yournoteswith yourneighbourandaddnewwords to your list. 3 1.3 25 5 Listening:Male voices –AndrewAllan Youaregoing to listen toapersonal statementbyAndrewAllan,a fatherof three children.First youwillhave45 seconds to study the taskbelow, then you willhear the recording twice.While listening, choose the correctanswer (A,B,C orD) for eachquestion (1–5).Puta cross ( ✘ ) in the correctbox.Thefirstone (0)hasbeendone for you. 0 AndrewAllan thinks that in comparisonwithhis friends a) he turnedeverything round. b) hedideverythingdifferently. c) theymixedupeverything. d) theydid itallwrong. ✘ 1 He saysabouthisfirst child that a) itwaswrong tohaveababyashedidn’twant childrenatall. b) his relationshiphas lasted since then. c) itwas thebest situation you can thinkof. d) itwas tooearly forhim tohavea child. 2 Mostpeoplewith children tell you that a) you should stop struggling. b) yougetoneachothersnerves. c) you should just keepgoing. d)marriages fail. 3 Thebiggest challenge in life a) hasbeen tobeagood father forhiseldest child. b) is that there shouldbea campaign for fathers’ rights. c) is thatmost fathersare justnotup to the job. d) is tomake lifehard for them. 4 He saysabouthisparents that a) hismumhada job inapub. b) hisdadwas thebreadwinner. c) hisdad spent theweekendswithhis family. d) hisdadhadmore thanone job. 5 He saysabout the roleofmen that a) they canbeproudbecause theypay themortgage for thehouse. b) theyare inagoodposition – theyhaveeverythinggoing for them. c)mostof themareunder constantpressure. d) he rushedback fromwork toplaywithhis son. 1 5 2.4 Canunderstand standard spoken language, liveorbroadcast,onboth familiarandunfamiliar topicsnormally encountered inpersonal, social,academicor vocational life. (B2) 78 Extreme situations Check-out Now you can • Describeextreme situations. • Invent storiesbasedon visual input. • Analyse texts (content, structure, style). • Writeanessay. • Express conditionsand comparisons. • Writepersonale-mailsgivingadvice. S Semester self-checks Tip • This sectionhelps you tofindout if youhaveacquired the competenceswhich you shouldhave learned ineachunit. • Inorder todo the tasks successfully youhave to combine the four skills (listening, reading, speaking,writing). • Take your time. It is important that youfindoutwhat youareable todoandwhat youneed toworkon. • Useful tips, the keysand theaudio scripts canbe foundon theCD-ROM in your textbook. T Unit 1:TheBritish today Reading–writing:Boris Johnson’s secretpro-EUarticle revealed (B2) a) First, read the followingarticleaboutBoris Johnson,aBritishpolitician. 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Ithas turnedout thatBoris Johnson, the former Londonmayorwho campaignedprominently for the UK’sdeparture from theEuropeanUnion,mayhave hadhisdoubts. In apreviouslyunpublished column, whichhewrote inFebruary2016, Johnsonurged Britain to stay in theEU, just twodaysbeforehe came out against theRemain campaign. “Britain is agreatnation, aglobal force forgood,” hewrote in the columnpublishedby TheSunday Times . “It is surely ablessing for theworld and for Europe thatBritain shouldbe intimately engaged in theEU.”He alsowarned thatBrexitwould cause an “economic shock” that could lead to the “breakup”of theUnitedKingdom. “Shutyour eyes.Holdyourbreath.Thinkof Britain.Thinkof the restof theEU,”hewrote. “Think of the future, thinkof thedesireofyour children and yourgrandchildren to live andwork inother European countries, to sell things there, tomake friends andperhaps tofindpartners there.” Despitehisdoubts, Johnsonwenton tobecome a leadingfigure in the campaign to leave theEU,which won a tightvictory in June2016.PrimeMinister TheresaMay appointedhim foreign secretaryonly weeks later. Speaking to reporters, Johnsonplayeddownhis article, insistinghewrote it to testhis resolve. “Iwaswrestlingwith it like I think a lotofpeople in this country, and Iwrote a longpiecewhich came downoverwhelmingly in favourof leaving,”he said. “I then thought if I canmake an alternative case to myself,wrote akindof semi-parodic article in the opposite sense,whichhasmysteriously found itsway into thepapers,because I think Imighthave sent it to a friend.” Johnson, talking tomembersofParliament, insisted theUK couldget a tradedeal that is “of greatervalue” to the economy than access to theEU singlemarket,whichhedescribed as an “increasingly useless concept”. In Johnson’spro-EU column,however,hehad supportedmembershipof the free trade zone. “This is amarketonourdoorstep ready for further exploitationbyBritishfirms.Themembership fee seems rather small for all that access,”hewrote. “Why arewe sodetermined to turnourbackon it?” (D.BloomandM.Veselinovic, CNN , 16October 2016;adaptedandabridged) b) Go through thearticleagainandunderline/highlight synonyms in the text for thewordsandphrasesbelow. 1. tobecome known that, tobe revealed that 5. imitatingwitha comiceffect 2. anadvantage,abenefit,agodsend 6. permission toenter,opportunity toenter 3. determination 7. makinguseof, takingadvantageof 4. very strong, irresistible 8. togiveup, toabandon c) Having stayed in theUKasanexchange student youhavebeenasked towriteanarticleaboutBoris Johnson andhis viewsonEurope for theannual school report.Your text shouldbea showpiecedemonstrating the writing skillsof students takingpart in suchprogrammes. In your article you should: describewhatBoris Johnsondid analyse the reasons forhis views discuss thepossible impactofBrexit Writearound 250words . 150 Semester self-checks 6 Spot on language Outsourcing Read the textaboutoutsourcing.Somewordsaremissing.Choose the correctanswer (A,B,CorD) for eachgap (1–8).Puta cross ( ✘ ) in the correctbox.Thefirstone (0)hasbeendone for you. From the above-mentioned… 0 , there isnodenying the fact that India’s service… 1 is experiencing an unprecedented… 2 ,which ishaving adirect impacton the Indian… 3 andpromisingnewvistas for the new ageprofessionals,but is alsopropelling India into the… 4 of aknowledge superpower and taking the economyof India to the roadof advancement.Though the services sector… 5 for less thanone thirdof India’s labour force, it… 6 more thanhalfof India’soutput.As a resultof itshuge supplyof skilled and cheapmanpower, in this eraofglobalisation,wheregeography is fastgetting translated intohistory, Indiahas emerged as thenumberone… 7 for “backoffice”operationsofglobal conglomerates,which are outsourcing their customer services and technical… 8 services to India.All this in turnhasworked wonders for the Indian economy. 0 A numbers B statistic C statistics ✘ D sums 1 A part B sector C field D region 2 A growing B decrease C rise D growth 3 A economics B ecology C economy D economical 4 A status B state C statistics D stage 5 A agrees B accounts C arises D arrives 6 A makes B generates C pushes D reaches 7 A destruction B description C destination D destiny 8 A aid B support C help D stand-by Connectives Here isa listofuseful connectives.Consultadictionary for themeaningofanywordorphrase youdonotalready know.Lookat the connectivesandput themunder the correctheadings. thus similarly for instance actually besides especially eventually on theotherhand 1. Toadd information and • also • aswellas • moreover • too • furthermore • 2. Togive ideasoreventsa sequence firstly • secondly • thirdly • finally • then • next • meanwhile • afterwards • while • 3. To compare equally • likewise • aswith • like • in the sameway • 4. To contrast although • whereas • insteadof • otherwise • orelse • unlike • but • alternatively • having said that • in spiteof • even if • 1 2 90 India Die Formate der Standardisierten Reifeprüfung kommen neben zahlreichen anderen Übungs­ formen von Beginn an zum Einsatz. Auf den Check-out -Seiten jeder Unit können Sie Ihre Lernleistung in der jeweiligen Unit selbst einschätzen. GERS-Deskriptoren dienen Ihnen dabei als Anhaltspunkte, nach welchen Kriterien Ihre Leistungen beurteilt werden können. Semester self-checks bieten Skills-integrated tasks zur selbst­ ständigen Überprüfung der in einer Unit zu erwerbenden Kompetenzen. Spot on language -Seiten behandeln gezielt Feinheiten in den Bereichen Wortschatz und grammatische Strukturen . So werden Sie Schritt für Schritt auf die Anforderungen der Standardisierten Reifeprüfung im Bereich Language in use vorbereitet. 2 So arbeiten Sie mit Prime Time Internet resources j7jg8e Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv