Prime Time 7, Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks

1 The United Kingdom and its citizens Quiz: How well do you know the UK? a) Do the following test. If you are in doubt about the right answers, go to the internet or use another source of reference. b) Compare your answers in class. 1. Which country in the UK has the highest proportion of ethnic minorities? a England c Wales b Scotland d Northern Ireland 2. Most of the countries that are in the Commonwealth were part of the British Empire. True or false? a True b False 3. When did the UK join the EU? a 1945 b 1957 c 1973 d The UK has never been a member of the EU. 4. Select the correct statement. a The monarch is the head of state of the UK. b The Prime Minister is the head of state of the UK. 5. What are the names of the residences of the monarch? Tick as many as you think are correct. a Balmoral b Buckingham Palace c Windsor Castle d Leeds Castle 6. What is the function of the Chancellor of the Exchequer? a Finance minister b Leader of the Government c Leader of the House of Lords d A leading member of the Church of England 7. Which two statements about the House of Lords are correct? a Members of the House of Lords are known as peers. b All peers are hereditary. c The House of Lords can propose new laws. d Members of the House of Lords elect the Speaker in the House of Commons. 8. Select the correct statement. a Children may not work for more than two hours on a school day or a Sunday. b The earliest legal age for children to do paid work is 16. 9. What is the Grand National? a A golf championship b A tennis tournament c A horse race d A rugby tournament 10. If you have a driving licence from an EU country, you can only drive in the UK for a year. True or false? a True b False 11. Banknotes in the UK come in which denominations? Select two options. a £100 c £20 b £50 d £1 12. Independent schools are paid for by the state. True or false? a True b False Fact file Citizenship In 2005 the British government launched a citizenship test for foreigners applying to settle permanently in the UK or wanting to become British citizens. It wanted to create a new, more meaningful way of becoming a citizen in an effort to help people integrate and share in British values and traditions. The 45minute computerbased test covers different issues. The information needed to pass the test is contained in the official publication Life in the United Kingdom . A Journey to Citizenship . Potential citizens are required to answer 75% of the questions correctly to pass. F Classroom discussion: Citizenship a) Before discussing the topic make a few notes. What would you say is important for a citizen of a country? b) Rank the items on your list by allocating points. Altogether you have one hundred points to spend. c) Discuss your opinion with your classmates and make a list on the board. d) Look at the quiz again: How meaningful is it to introduce such a quiz to test foreigners? 1  2  10 The British today Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv