Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

Growing up Look at the photos on these two pages and talk about the following points: a) In what aspects does life change when you are growing up? b) Which of these changes do you find exciting, which might frighten you? A presentation in class Bring a photo to class that you feel best illustrates the topic “Growing up”. Present the photo with your interpretation of it. 1 Fact file Growing up • The age of consent (AOC) refers to when people can legally have sex. In Great Britain the age of consent is 16. In Austria it is basically 14, but it is illegal to have sex with someone under 16 by taking advantage of their “lack of maturity“. • The age of criminal responsibility is the age when children can be taken to court for a crime. • The minimum purchasing age (MPA) refers to the purchase of alcohol. This may not be the same as the minimum drinking age (MDA) for drinking alcohol in bars. China, for example, has an MPA of 18 but no MDA. F 2 8 Unit Internet resources e6vn4r Growing up 1 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv