Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

Focus on language Reading Writing Vocabulary Grammar • Reading a travel text • Reading a poem • Reading a story • Reading for specific information • An article • An informal e-mail • Cultural studies: South Africa • Travelling • Apartheid • Figures of speech • Future • Conditionals I, II and III • A questionnaire • Finding headlines • Reading for gist • Dealing with information from the internet • A job description • A report • A blog comment • A report • Jobs • Talking about skills, abilities and qualities • Telephone phrases • Prepositions • Analysing text details • Reading for detail • Note taking • A report • Phrasal verbs • Expressing similarity and contrast • Rhetoric • Reading for detail • An blog comment on eSports • Internet research on extreme sports • A newspaper article about a sports accident • A report on PE at school • Sports locations • Different kinds of sports • Extreme sports • Referring to issues • Concrete and abstract nouns • Using articles correctly • Reading for detail • Internet research • Analysing text details • Skills training: Survey, question, recite and review • A survey • A blog post about style • A comment on appear- ance • A letter to the editor on future trends • A blog comment on beauty pageants for children • Lifestyles • Youth culture • Fashion trends • Beauty and fashion p. 170 Grammar p. 182 p. 162 Vocabulary Writing guide 7 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv