Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

Adjectives and adverbs a) Study the text below and pay attention to the highlighted words. Group them into two categories. Adjectives (words that describe nouns or persons) Adverbs (words that describe the way something happens/was done) proud finally Having been a British Colony since the middle of the 19 th century, Hong Kong was nally handed back to China on 1 July 1997. e people of Hong Kong are proud that they are no longer a colony of Britain. Still, they don’t want to lose their valued freedoms in Communist China. In its past, Hong Kong successfully engaged in drug dealing with opium. e deals were usually backed by the British government. China was worried at this alarming turn of events as opium was negatively ašecting the economy and was quickly creating a society of addicts. e rst Opium War between China and Britain was easily won by the latter and in 1841, the island of Hong Kong was handed over to the British. In 1898, a 99-year lease granted for the New Territory was eventually issued by the Chinese. What would happen a‚er the lease ended in 1997 was the subject of considerable speculation. In late 1984, an agreement was reached: China would take over the entire colony on 1 July 1997, but Hong Kong’s unique free enterprising economy would be maintained for at least 50 years. Hong Kong would become a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China with the o£cial slogan, “One country, two systems.” b) Look at the sentences that contain adverbs again and rephrase them. Example: […], Hong Kong was finally handed back to China on 1 July 1997.   […], Hong Kong was handed back to China on 1 July 1997 at last. Even more adverbs Some adverbs have different forms: one with -ly at the end, and the other without. Explain the different meanings of the two forms. Adverb with -ly Adverb without -ly We can hardly wait for the Cup Final. We’re fairly sure that we’ll win the next match. I think the decision to let Jones go was justly made. The match was nearly over when the storm began. We’ve all worked very hard. Our team always plays fair. We’ve just signed contracts with two young Brazilians. Their players didn’t even get near our goal. Have you seen any United matches on TV lately? In the match last week, United scored late. Using adjectives and adverbs a) Look at the adjectives and adverbs below. Which are adjectives, which are adverbs and which can be used both as adjectives and adverbs? Mark them with different colours. definitely hardly difficult early especially fast frankly gradually obviously immediately particularly late worse lately long luckily most b) A criminal detective talks about his work. Replace the adverbs in these sentences by adverbs from above that have a similar meaning and rewrite the sentences. 1. I saw at once that something was wrong. 4. Honestly, this is the worst crime I’ve ever seen. 2. Fortunately, the criminal hadn’t worn gloves. 5. It is certainly worse than the McDermott case. 3. It is especially hard to disprove people’s alibis. 6. Crime in the city is slowly getting worse. 3 5 10 4 5 67 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv