Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

0 Why were the Winslow High School students interested in cancer patients? a) Because four of their classmates died from cancer. b) Because some of their teachers had the disease. c) Because one of their teachers told them a lot about battling cancer. d) Because some of the students’ siblings had cancer. ✘ 1 Who did the students help? a) other young people who suffered from cancer b) their seriously ill teacher c) their siblings d) doctors who carried out a study about cancer 2 What is the intention of the art-therapy programme at Portland’s Maine Medical Center? a) to raise money for research b) to increase the number of chemo therapies c) to organise a talent show in the school gym d) to take the young patients’ minds off their disease 3 What did the class receive apart from money to help with their project? a) medicine b) children’s drawings of a bright future c) paint, paintbrushes and other equipment d) sporting equipment for the school gym 4 What did Dave Glerum and 25 of his frat brothers do in the park? a) hand out information to visitors and help them find their way b) sell ice-cream and cold drinks for the benefit of charity c) organise games for children d) repair broken benches or pick up litter 5 Which sentence is true for Guy C. Strutz? a) He’s a religious man. b) He hasn’t taken part in Make-A-Difference-Day before. c) His house was damaged by a hurricane. d) He is disappointed of his employees. b) In your own words, explain the projects the people in these articles have done in their communities. Writing: Young people can make a difference The MAD foundation is a worldwide charity that helps people in some of the world’s poorest communities to help themselves by working with them to develop much needed community resources. You are a volunteer for the foundation and have been asked to write a post on MAD’s blog on what young people can do to make a difference in their communities. In your blog post you should: • discuss the importance of volunteering for young people • describe how young people could make a difference in their communities • analyse what it takes to do volunteer work Give your blog post a title . Write around 200 words . 3 55 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv