Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

4 Make-a-Difference-Day Awards Everyone can make a difference a) You have seen some examples of how people can make a difference on a national or international level. With a partner, collect ideas about how people can make a difference on a local level. b) Organise your ideas in a table that looks like this one: Title Helping in a homeless shelter Duties Handing out food, signing in new residents, providing the homeless with information on how and where to get aid from social services, etc. Formal/Informal Formal Targeted at Homeless people Suitable for Persons of every age Time/Money No money, but regular shifts needed at the shelter Reading: Make-a-Difference-Day Awards a) Read the text about two Make-a-Difference-Day projects, then choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1–5. Put a cross ( ✘ ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. Teens show a talent for helping sick children „e 12 Winslow High School juniors and seniors in Kendra Little•eld’s service-learning class have seen the e†ects of cancer up close and personal: In one year, the disease took the lives of four teachers they knew in earlier school years. “Four out of the six teachers battling cancer we know have died,” says Jen Bizier, 17. She and her classmates decided to spend their second Make-A-Di†erence-Day helping young cancer patients. “All of us have younger siblings, and we just couldn’t imagine losing a sibling to this terrible disease.” „eir plan: to aid an art therapy programme at Portland’s Maine Medical Center that enables paediatric patients, from infants to teens, to forget their frequent chemo treatments for a moment. „e class raised $1,000 and received donations of art supplies during a talent show in the school gym, which was decorated with children’s drawings of a bright future. „eir teachers would be proud. 7,000 Florida residents really clean up „e United Way de•nitely lives up to its name in Florida. „e Volunteer Center for Volusia and Flagler counties has been helping the central coast area and its residents for years, but never quite as much as in 2006, when 7,000 volunteers helped 50,000-plus people with about 80 projects on Make-A-Di†erence-Day. In one volunteer e†ort, Stetson University sophomore Dave Glerum, 19, signed on 25 of his frat brothers to perform maintenance jobs at a park he frequented as a child. Miles away, it was Guy C. Strutz’s •rst time as a helper, and he didn’t disappoint: Strutz and •ve employees at GCS Construction Inc. •xed up the hurricane-damaged home of a 92-year-old widow, repairing the roof and replacing plaster and painting. “I wouldn’t call myself a big religious man,” he says, “but I think maybe God is about everyone trying to take care of each other.” 1 2 5 10 5 10 54 Making a difference Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verl gs öbv