Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

4 Daily dilemmas Quiz: Make a difference a) Write your answers to the questions below on a piece of paper, but don’t put your name on it. b) After everyone has done the quiz, collect the answers and find out how many people in class chose which options. 1. At a fast-food restaurant: Your bill comes to ¤7.50, you give the cashier a 10-euro note, and he gives you ¤12.50 back instead of just ¤2.50. What do you do? 4. On a full tram: You had already found a place to sit before it got so full. Now an old and weak-looking woman is looking for a seat. What do you do? A Keep the 10 euros. A Wait and see if anybody else offers her a seat first; if not, you might offer her yours. B Give back the 10 euros. B Offer her your seat. C Keep the money at first, and then think about what you should do. You might give it back. C Look the other way and pretend you haven’t seen her. 2. You feel like shopping in a different part of your city one day. Stopping for a coffee, you see your best friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend kissing somebody who is definitely not your best friend. What do you do? 5. Biology is a subject you’re having trouble with. One day after class you see that your biology teacher has left behind the answers for the test on the next day. A perfect grade on that test could really help you and nobody else is in the room. What do you do? A Talk to him/her while promising not to say anything to your friend. A You take the answers directly to your teacher and say you’ve seen a few questions, but no more. B Talk to him/her and say you’ll tell your friend what is happening. B You take the answers, copy them, and then take them back. C Pretend you didn’t see them and say nothing to your friend. C You look at all the questions, but not the answers. 3. You’ve been invited to the party of the year that everyone wants to go to. But you’ve already promised a friend that you’d be in the audience on the opening night of her new musical – the same night. What do you do? 6. At a good friend’s house before you go out together one night: He/She wants to try out a new outfit. You are shocked at how embarrassing it looks, but you can see your friend thinks it’s perfect. What do you do? A Tell her you can’t come but tell her a “white lie” (“grandmother is ill”) instead of the real reason. A Decide not to tell your friend, but as soon as you get to the disco you tell everyone you know how awful your friend’s outfit is. B Tell her you can’t come and give her the real reason. B Tell your friend what you really feel. C Go and see your friend in her musical. C Ignore it and hope no one sees you together. c) Look at your class’s results and comment on whatever attracts your attention. d) Explain why some of the answers are usually regarded as appropriate reactions and why some of them aren’t. 1 Word bank to be caught in a dilemma • In my opinion, the right/wrong thing to do would be to … . • to have/develop a sense of right and wrong • honesty • honest • dishonest • to treat others as you would want to be treated yourself W 52 Making a difference Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv