Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

Reading: Live Aid – How it all started 25 years later, to commemorate the start of Live Aid in 1985, the nurse who inspired Bob Geldof to get involved talks about her recollections of the beginning of Live Aid. a) Read the following article about Dame Claire Bertschinger. b) Divide it into paragraphs by inserting the symbol whenever you think a new paragraph should be started. Give reasons for your decisions. Nurse who inspired “Live Aid” about the Ethiopian famine 2 Dame Claire Bertschinger, who lives in Sheering, was shown in a BBC news report in 1984 as she worked at a Red Cross station outside in Ethiopia. It was this footage that moved Bob Geldof to begin his fundraising. “Without any aid, Live Aid or anybody sending money, thousands, millions more people would have died,” Bertschinger says today. “What Live Aid did was to support them long enough for the rains to come, for them to grow crops. We, as the Red Cross, gave seeds and hoes so they could start growing crops again and gradually they managed to have small stores of food.” Still, Bertschinger admits she was “scarred” by having to decide which children would be fed at the station, and who would not. “I can remember one time when I had children needing to come in,” she says. “„ey just had skin dripping o† their bones, they had no fat or muscle le‡ at all and I counted 10 rows of children and in each row there were a 100 children and I only had 60 places.” For 20 years a‡er her return in 1985, Bertschinger did not talk about her experiences. “I found that people just thought I did a fantastic job and I was telling them that actually I hadn’t done a good job,” she says. “„ere were thousands of children who died and I felt responsible for those children who died.” Bertschinger, who now teaches at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, is still continuing to help with fundraising. She is also a trustee and volunteer with the African Children’s Education Trust. Despite its past, she is con•dent Ethiopia is heading in the right direction. “„ey’ve got new hospitals, new roads, new universities and a whole new generation who are determined to make sure that a famine similar to the one 25 years ago will never happen again. „e new Ethiopia is moving forward, because they’re a very dynamic country.” c) Explain the way farmers were supported according to the article. d) Why could/couldn’t this strategy have a lasting effect according to your opinion? 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Speaking – Individual long turn: Development aid • Compare and contrast the two pictures. • Discuss which kind of help developing countries could receive. • Analyse the role education plays. 3 51 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv