Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

Voluntary work: Making a difference in everyday life a) Have a look at the information in the fact file and give examples of informal and formal volunteering. b) Study the statistics above and comment on the figures. • Why could people be motivated to do voluntary work at all? • What could be advantages or disadvantages of formal and informal volunteering? c) Which kinds of voluntary work could be interesting for yourself and why? 2 Fact file Volunteering • Informal volunteering is defined as giving unpaid help as an individual to someone who is not a relative. • Formal volunteering is defined as unpaid help given as part of groups, clubs or organisations to benefit others or the environment. F rebel movement global health women vote Only 80 years ago, it was not unusual for many children to die before adulthood. One major reason for this was that there were no cures for common bacterial illnesses such as pneumonia, diphtheria or scarlet fever. But thanks to biolo- gists like Scotsman Alexander Fleming (1881–1955), whose discovery of penicillin helped to launch the field of antibiotic medicine, contracting bacterial illnesses was no longer a death sentence – at least for those who had access to good medical treatment. Emmeline Pankhurst (1858–1928) of Manchester was the leader of the British suffragette movement. The suffragettes’ goal was to achieve the right to vote – suffrage – for the women of Britain. Although Pankhurst and her circle were often criticised for their violent tactics (e. g. physical attacks against police officers, arson), it is recognised that they played a major role in making universal suffrage possible in Britain. Britain Austria Formal volunteering 18% 28% Informal volunteering 12.5% 27% Sports, exercise 43% 47% Recreation, arts 40% 52% Education 37% 17% Religion 37% 43% 49 Goals • Discuss moral decisions. • Research the lives of famous people. • Compile a survey. • Comment on social initiatives. • Describe present and past events. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv