Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

A Why hit farmers who have a tiny carbon footprint? 0 E B About 80 per cent of the company’s 35,000 customers’ food comes from the UK, with the rest arriving by road or ship. 1 C Reports have gone round that environmental standards should be lowered. 2 D And the time had come for a definitive answer on aviation. 3 E The self-imposed ban is sometimes difficult but Guy Watson, its founder, believes the environment must take priority. 4 F But Britain’s organic trailblazer could lose business by raising its standards. 5 G Warning stickers or offsetting flights would be a compromise. ✔ Can recognise the line of argument in the treatment of the issue presented, though not necessarily in detail. (B1) Writing: An article Your school board is planning a brochure to reduce waste in school and to make students and staff aware of environmental problems in everyday life. They are looking for articles about this topic, and you have decided to write one. In your article you should: • describe the situation in general • inform the readers about a particular incident • make a suggestion for the first step to change things Give your article a title . Write around 200 words . 3 Can write very brief articles to a standard conventionalised format, which pass on routine factual information and state reasons for actions. (B1) Language in use: Should we stop flying on holiday? Read the text about travelling. Some words are missing. Change the word in brackets to form the missing word for each gap (1–5). Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. One of the problems with comparing the … 0 (contribute) of dižerent forms of transport is that they all take dižerent routes. We looked at a hypothetical journey from London to Naples in Italy and calculated the cost per unit (CU) … 1 (release) into the atmosphere by making the journey by air, land and sea. We also considered some more unusual options. Would travelling by horse actually be carbon neutral, for example? A horse emits about 18 kg of methane a year. is is equivalent to 378 CU because methane is 21 times more powerful a greenhouse gas than CO 2 . We can calculate the total CU contribution by working out the number of days it would take to make the journey and … 2 (multiply) this by the methane emitted each day. Going on holiday by horse may appeal to cowboys, but our trip to Italy would take two months each way. … 3 (surprise) , the car is the next best choice, assuming there are three people … 4 (share) . But for a single … 5 (travel) , the train would be greener. 0 contribution ✔ 3 1 4 2 5 4 5 10 47 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv