Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

3 Speaking: Comparing figures Take a closer look at this table. With a partner, discuss the figures and how they compare. Comment on the results and say if you think this investigation is helpful. London to Naples Transport Distance CU*/person per km Total CU per person Horse 3,164 km 0.02 59 Car 3,164 km 0.05 157 Train 2,896 km 0.06 180 Airplane 1,635 km 0.16 264 Ship 7,081 km 0.27 1,892 * CU = carbon unit = one kg of CO 2 released into the atmosphere 1 Can give or seek personal views and opinions in discussing topics of interest. (B1) Reading: Food miles Read the text about food miles. Some parts are missing. Choose the correct part (A–G) for each gap (1–5). There is one extra part that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. At Britain’s biggest vegetable box supplier, Riverford Farm in Devon, air-freighted food is banned. … 0 He tells customers, “Most out-of-season vegetables imported to the UK are own in from Africa and South America causing horrendous emissions, or trucked from southern Europe with less, but still substantial, environmental impact.” … 1 By contrast, the importer Blue Skies in Northamptonshire buys fresh pineapple, mango and coconuts from Ghana, where it employs 1,500 people. “We would see any change to the rules as unfair to us and unfair to Africa,” said the founder, Anthony Pile. “e carbon emissions for air-freighted food are something like one per cent of the total emissions. … 2 ” he asked. In its consultation, the Soil Association is setting out the case for ve options. Maintaining the status quo would help faraway producers but might damage the organisation’s credibility. A gradual or total ban would damage exporters but help tackle climate change and encourage more sustainable agriculture. … 3 Anna Bradley, of the Soil Associations Standards Board, explained that the rules had to evolve over time. … 4 “It’s quite clear right now that these issues of climate change and CO 2 are much more important than they were ten years ago and it feels much more pertinent to talk about them,” she said. … 5 Just as it did when it tightened its rules on poultry farms. “at cost us licensees but it has retained the integrity of the standard,” she said. (Martin Hickman, The Independent , 29 May 2007; adapted) 2 5 10 15 46 The Blue Planet Check-out Now you can • Talk about environmental issues. • Talk about statistics (facts and figures). • Skim texts for information. • Write an e-mail to the editor. • Do research offline and online. • Analyse a speech. • Prepare a short speech. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv