Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

Research activity Find out about and report on one of the following points and prepare a short statement (see page 43 for details): • a product or an idea that helps consumers to lower their carbon footprint • a local project to protect or improve the environment in the area where you live • interesting new research on some environmental issue Remember the structure: • Topic sentence: What is the topic of your statement? What is the main idea? • Supporting sentences: They explain the main points of the topic sentence, and they provide examples that help the listener/reader to understand the main aspects of the topic. • Conclusive sentence: What are the results? What are the conclusions/the consequences? A conclusive sentence sums up the main points of your statement. Watching and understanding a short film: Mediterranean Britain a) You are going to watch a report entitled “Mediterranean Britain”. Think about this title and say what you expect the report to be about. b) Watch the video once without taking notes. Then, in no more than three or four sentences, summarise the main points that have been made. c) Read the following questions. Then watch the video again, this time noting down the information you need to give detailed answers. • Where do a lot of tourists go at the moment? Why do they go there? • Where will tourists be going by the year 2050? What will cause this change? • What could Britain’s coast look like in the future? • What is already being planned in Cornwall? What is the reaction of local people? • What positive and negative effects are mentioned in the context of the predicted changes? d) Give examples of different ways in which the information and predictions are presented in the video. Think about both spoken and visual forms of presentation, and explain the effect they have. e) Think – pair – share: The video concentrates on Britain and just one effect of climate change. Collect and discuss ideas about the various changes you think will happen in your own country if climate predictions are correct. 4 5 3 45 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv