Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

3 Discussing environmental issues Thinking about the topic a) Give your opinion on the different texts you have read. • Did you find them interesting? • Do you think the issues they deal with are important? • Have you learned anything useful? b) Work with a partner. Take turns saying whether or not you feel generally positive about the future of the Earth and why. Refer to the problems and solutions mentioned in the chapter so far. Study the following pictures Talk about the message you think is being conveyed by these four pictures and decide together with a partner what you think the caption could be for them. Write down your ideas and compare them in class. Preparing a short speech a) Choose an environmental issue you would like to talk about. b) Do some research so that you have enough facts to include. c) Plan your speech carefully and write your notes on prompt cards. Each card should contain only one main idea. d) Give your speech in front of the class. 1 2 3 Tip • Do not write your speech but prepare it with your prompt cards so that you can talk about the topic freely. If you use prompt cards you can also rearrange the parts of your speech if necessary. • Use words that you are comfortable with. • Make sure you have an interesting beginning and an ending that takes up the same idea as the introduction. • Look into the audience. • Speak loudly and clearly. • Speak slowly. • Concentrate on the final sentence. T 44 The Blue Planet Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv